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Leopards are comming.... #Leopard2 #Leopard1 #freetheleopards #UkraineRussiaWar #UkraineWillWin 🇺🇦✌️ 1/7🧵
In den nächsten Tagen werden eine ganze Reihe 🇺🇦 Soldaten ihre Ausbildung auf den Leopard Panzern in 🇪🇸🇩🇪🇵🇱 abschließen und drauf folgend in ihre Heimat zurück kehren.... 2/7
Vier Wochen lang 12h täglich haben 10 🇺🇦Besatzungen und 15 🇺🇦Techniker im Trainingszentrum San Gregorio bei Saragossa🇪🇸 auf dem Leopard 2A4 trainiert. Jeden Tag 8 bis 20 Uhr, fast ohne Pause.... 3/7…
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🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 362 - Comenzamos #hilo sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania.

🟥 En el siguiente vídeo podemos observar un BMP-2 ucraniano haciendo fuego contra las posiciones rusas en las afueras de #Bakhmut.

🟥 #RetweeetPlease 🙏
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 362 - Este es, para quien no lo haya leído, nuestro informe diario sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania correspondiente a la jornada de ayer, domingo 19 de febrero de 2023 ⬇️…
Read 27 tweets
🧵 The Leopard 1A5 is - as I have been arguing since April 2022 - a fine addition to the Ukrainian tank fleet and matches older Ts while also being able to act as infantry support. @CorporalFrisk has a fine analysis below + 4 tweets on my idea development from April 22 to now 1/5
The initial idea was generated back in April 2022 when the initial request from Ukraine and discussions with KMW and FFG emerged, but had no political support in Germany stopped the process. 2/5
In September, I launched the idea to have a Danish acquisition of the ex-Danish Leopard 1A5DK, which got wide distribution and support - also outside the twitter world ;-) (even if the numbers were wrong - should have been 99 - we used to have 230) 3/5
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Germany 🇩🇪 and Poland 🇵🇱 are seemingly let down by partners in providing precious #Leopard2 tanks to war-shaken #Ukraine

"Unexpected silence" and a lack of committment from countries that previously signalled clear openness turn the joint initiative into a struggle.

1/x 🧵⬇️
The development comes as a surprise for 👉activists after Germany was dubbed "the roadblock of Europe" previously and pressured by partners to #FreeTheLeopards

Now countries such as 🇫🇮🇳🇱 among others are eerily reserved on the matter. So far only 🇨🇦 has committed ...

...four L2A4 to the cause, while 🇵🇹 has announced to take part without confirming any numbers, pointing to issue with "spare parts"

Other nations such as 🇪🇸🇳🇴🇩🇰 🇸🇪 have not come out with clear statements about their committment, or showed reluctance

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Seit der Bekanntgabe der #FreeTheLeopards - Lieferung, ist Polen erneutes Ziel von russischer Desinformation. Jetzt sollen laut russ. Medien, polnische Leopard-2-Panzer samt polnischer Besatzung in d. Ukraine entsendet werden. Warum dies nicht natürlich nicht stimmt => Link below
Russ. Medien stützen sich bei Berichten auf Aussagen eines Bloggers, der regelmäßig Kreml-Propagand verbreitet. Die Aussage über die ,,Entsendung von Panzern mit polnischer Besatzung “ wurde vom polnischen Generalleutnant Skrzyczak kategorisch dementiert. 3
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Diese Meldung ist in den letzten Tagen bei aller Euphorie fast vergessen worden. #IAEA : Keine militärische Ausrüstung in 🇺🇦Atomkraftwerken gefunden!!👇🧵
#RussiaIsATerroristState #FreeTheLeopards #PutinsWar #RussianWarCrimes #russiaisateroriststate #Saporischschja #AKW
1/1 Von Eleanor Pickston und Katya Krebs von CNN
In den ukrainischen Kernkraftwerken, die von der Internationalen Atomenergiebehörde inspiziert werden, wird keine militärische Ausrüstung gelagert, erklärte der Leiter der UN-Atomaufsichtsbehörde Rafael Grossi am Dienstag vor
2/1 Abgeordneten des Europäischen Parlaments. Seine Äußerungen entkräften frühere Anschuldigungen Russlands. "Heute Morgen habe ich meine Teams angewiesen, in Zusammenarbeit mit der ukrainischen Leitung dieser Anlagen eine umfassende Überprüfung vorzunehmen, um festzustellen,
Read 11 tweets
Das tägliche Süppchen a lá #Solovyov , erstaunlicherweise bekam er aber eine Antwort, die uns alle beruhigen sollte. Das Duma-Mitglied #Semyon_Bagdasarow. „Nuklearwaffen als Lösung sind ein gefährlicher Trend.“👇🧵Lesenswert.
#RussiaIsATerroristState #FreeTheLeopards #PutinsWar
1/1 Solowjow Lösung wie immer: Atomwaffenangriffe gegen die Nato-Staaten. Nur: Sein Gast geht die Erregungsspirale nicht mit, sagt nüchtern: „Nuklearwaffen als Lösung sind ein gefährlicher Trend.“ Das gefällt Atomwaffen- und Vernichtungsfantasien-Fan Solowjow aber gar nicht
2/1 , er grätscht dazwischen: „Atomwaffen nicht einzusetzen ist ein gefährlicher Trend!“ Wieder fragt er: „Wir haben die Übermacht bei taktischen Atomwaffen, aber warum haben wir sie, wenn wir sie nicht einsetzen können?“ Und: „Wann sagen wir: ‚Hört auf oder wir zerstören euch?‘
Read 9 tweets
Ho cerchiato la data di oggi sul mio inseparabile taccuino.
Penso che questo 24 gennaio abbia posto le basi per segnare una svolta nella guerra in #Ucraina.
Gli ultimi dettagli relativi alle forniture di #Leopard e #Abrams che #Germania e #USA sono pronti ad inviare a #Kyiv
sono clamorosi.
Sì, avete letto bene: dopo settimane di pressioni internazionali, secondo "Der Spiegel", Berlino si sarebbe decisa non solo a rimuovere il veto di esportazione sui propri carri armati, ma anche a concedere all'esercito ucraino quelli in dotazione alla
La tempistica di questa scelta non è un dettaglio, attenzione. Il fatto che la Germania abbia esitato - eufemismo - a concedere il suo via libera dice molto del perché gli Stati Uniti siano storicamente diffidenti nei confronti dei tedeschi, perché temano di
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🚨🇺🇸 Notizia clamorosa in arrivo dagli #USA.


L'amministrazione #Biden avrebbe intenzione di inviare "un numero significativo" di carri armati #Abrams M1 in #Ucraina. L'annuncio potrebbe arrivare già questa settimana.

#Abrams #Leopard Image
Secondo funzionari statunitensi citati dal WSJ, la decisione di Washington sarebbe parte di una più ampia intesa diplomatica con la #Germania, con Berlino a quel punto pronta ad inviare un numero minore di propri carri armati #Leopard2 e a rimuovere il veto nei confronti
della coalizione di nazioni che - #Polonia in testa - stanno aspettando il semaforo verde per esportare a #Kyiv i tank di fabbricazione tedesca.
Se la Casa Bianca finora ha rifiutato di commentare, è un alto funzionario tedesco a confermare che la questione è stata oggetto di
Read 9 tweets… Listen to the Cosmopolicast with @VladDavidzon and @IlvesToomas as we discuss the war in Ukraine:
Here are some of the topics we covered:

How Russia uses frozen enclaves to dominate the post-Soviet space;
The folly of “negotiating” with Russia;
Does the Biden Administration understand that a frozen conflict is victory for Russia?
Does the West understand how catastrophic a Russian victory would be?
Do the big powers want Ukraine to win?
The Western approach-avoidance conflict;
Loose nukes and the Budapest Memorandum;
Why Russia won’t break up on ethnic lines, but might descend into medieval warlordism;
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So apparently we are now doing the "Actually, Germany is pretty good and this is all the evil Poles' and Britts' doing". I will disagree.
To begin with, yes, there is a some of truth to the fact that #Germany has done more when it comes to supporting #Ukraine then they get credit for. In particular on the air defence side of things, the Gepards and IRIS-T have made a real impact, to take the obvious example.
It's also correct that no *formal* request for transfer of #Leopard2 has been made, and that while many countries agree that "someone" should give Ukraine Leopards, significantly fewer are happy to provide theirs.
Read 13 tweets
Ausland - Der gesamte 🇩🇪Rekord seit Februar 2022 in fast jeder Waffenkategorie war: Das werden wir nicht schicken, das werden wir nicht schicken (z.B. Gepard, Marder) bis schließlich: Oh doch, das werden wir👇🧵
#RussiaIsATerroristState #FreeTheLeopards #UkraineWillWin #Scholz
1. Als langjähriger Bewunderer (siehe den Autor) des demokratischen Deutschlands war ich diese Woche zutiefst deprimiert und bestürzt über die Weigerung von Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz, deutsche Leopard-2-Panzer in die Ukraine zu schicken.
2/1 Hier nur ein paar Beispiele dafür, dass Scholz' Politik schwach, widersprüchlich, inkonsequent, historisch unsensibel, moralisch problematisch, unaufrichtig und kontraproduktiv ist... Die Ukraine braucht moderne Kampfpanzer für die kombinierten Gegenoffensiven,
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Geopolitics back to normal is Russia's victory. Scholz wants Russia's victory and business as usual. Just say it like it is.
What's the point of tiptoeing around Scholz and pretending like business as usual, as though Russia didn't and doesn't daily commit the Bucha atrocities, isn't Russia's victory?
"Scholz doesn't want Russia to win either": where's the evidence he doesn't and just isn't afraid saying it prematurely will harm Germany more than roundabout excuses? Where's the evidence that Scholz doesn't want Russia's victory? Where are tanks? #FreeTheLeopards
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È una storia straordinaria, che merita di essere raccontata e conosciuta, quella della "piccola" #Bulgaria, il Paese che la scorsa primavera ha - in gran segreto - salvato l'#Ucraina.
Merito del coraggio e della fantasia dell'ex premier #Petkov, un politico che ha preferito perdere il proprio potere piuttosto che cedere ai diktat dei partiti filo-russi. Conosco un altro premier che ha scelto lo stesso destino.
A ricostruire questa incredibile vicenda con una serie di interviste al ministro degli Esteri ucraino Dmytro Kuleba, allo stesso Kiril Petkov e al suo ministro delle finanze, Assen Vassilev, è stata un'inchiesta del quotidiano tedesco WELT. Non è un dettaglio: c'è da sperare
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1/ Scholz. Il problema con i tedeschi è questa monomaniacalità che deriva antropologicamente dalla struttura famigliare autoritaria, cioè basata su una linearità ereditaria al primogenito con esclusione degli altri figli… 🧵…
2/ una struttura che condividono con le altre etnie europee luterane, come gli scandinavi, con gli irlandesi e gli ebrei. Una struttura antropologica che ha riempito per secoli l’Europa di preti e mercenari.
3/ occasionalmente, creando veri mostri. Se vi domandate come mai le questioni di dubbia paternità ebbero un’incidenza così drammatica su personaggi come Wagner e Hitler, avete una risposta…
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Leopards are wild cats. And that's why they like freedom most of all.

#FreeTheLeopards campaign continues.

Photo credit:
Сергій Брильов
Макс Паленко
Catrine Pedersen

Read 5 tweets
I’ve always had huge respect for Germany. The way they properly reflected & rejected their totalitarian past was inspiring.

From a Baltic perspective, it always served as a sharp contrast to Russia’s inability to do the same.

But that goodwill to Germany has been shattered.
Everyone said “never again”.

But Germany mistook that from a self-absorbed perspective to mean only Germany shall never again be the aggressor.

They didn’t consider what “never again” means for other countries - like them now - having to deal with an expansionist fascist power.
Over the past year, we’ve discovered how badly we too misunderstood Germany.

Germany seems to think it has a debt to the Moscow ally it started WW2 with …but, somehow, not to the countries of Eastern Europe in-between that they waged their war against.
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❗️Результати восьмої зустрічі у форматі «Рамштайн»
👉Сьогодні на авіабазі Рамштайн в Німеччині відбулася чергова зустріч Контактної групи з питань оборони України, де зокрема було погоджено надання Україні нового пакета військової допомоги для боротьби з російськими окупантами.
📌Під час підсумкової пресконференції міністра оборони США Ллойда Остіна та голови Об’єднаного комітету начальників штабів США генерала Марка Міллі було підбито підсумки.
☝️Ллойд Остін подякував представникам Міністерства оборони України, зокрема «своєму гарному другові, міністру оборони України Олексію Резнікову».
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Grazie mille ai tantissimi che stanno seguendo il vertice di #Ramstein sul mio Blog!

Chi apprezza il mio lavoro può sostenerlo iscrivendosi qui!
Dichiarazioni molto forti del segretario alla Difesa Usa, Lloyd #Austin. Video in arrivo!

#Austin: "Non è il momento di rallentare. È tempo di scavare più a fondo. Il popolo ucraino ci sta guardando. Il Cremlino ci sta guardando. La storia ci sta guardando. Quindi non molleremo. E non vacilleremo nella nostra determinazione ad aiutare l'Ucraina a difendersi
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So what's gonna happen today in respect of #Ramstein #FreeTheLeopards: Scholz is gonna deliver Leopard collectively with Poland and Finland. Maybe some of the naysayers are in the boat too.
Then the usual suspects - @apmassaro3 @berlin_bridge @IlvesToomas @KyivIndependent @minna_alander - will start their usual smear campaign against Germany and spread the narrative of us being dragged and pressured.
That is obviously bullshit. While the USA stands firmly with their line not to send tanks and also long range missiles and everyone is fine with it, Scholz stands firmly with his line not to send tanks alone. Besides it has always been an open inner coalition discussion.
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Where will those #Leopard come from? We won't get 100 of them, most probably just three groups from Poland, Finland and Germany for now. That's why we need the USA. #Ukraine️ #FreeTheLeopards #tanks
Finnish are realistic about the issue:
"On the other hand, no European country has taken much of a lead on the Leopard issue. Perhaps we will wait and see who will take the first step."
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Beweis wie infektiös viele 🇷🇺🗑️sind: Text: Ich bin ein Söldner von Wagner. Seit dem 13.09.2022. Seit dem 21.10. bin ich ein #HIV -infizierter Mensch. Anfang Nov. 22 wurde ich verwundet, eine Schusswunde.…
#FreeTheLeopards #RussiaisATerroistState #Orcs
Ich war in einem Krankenhaus, in dem es keine Behandlungen für HIV gab. Wir wurden zusammen behandelt, sowohl die Gesunden als auch die Ungesunden. Ich war Träger von HIV.
In welcher Stadt wurdest du behandelt?
In Kirovsk.
In welchem Krankenhaus?
Ich weiß nicht,
2/1 in welchem Krankenhaus, aber da waren Kriegsgefangene und Zivilisten.
Wurden dort auch Zivilisten behandelt?
Du hattest also eine offene Schusswunde, es ist Blut ausgetreten, du wurdest isoliert.
Es gab keine separaten Behandlungen.
Ihr Blut hätte also in eine gesunde
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