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* Jesus is THE way, TRUTH and LIFE * There's only ONE way. * MAGA 💯% *

Jul 10, 2018, 106 tweets

This article from the Washington Examiner came out yesterday and I have not seen anyone talking about it.
Oh My!
@POTUS Brilliance
Under New Management: Trump's ‘fresh eyes’ sparks massive federal reform- washingtonexaminer.com/washington-sec…

1) This article points toward President Trump's 32 point plan to reform and streamline our government agencies.

2) The plan is a work of art. I have been in the business world for many years and this is a succession plan on steroids. This plan will do MANY things, both seen and unseen, but will streamline our government from being a bureaucratic cesspool, to being a well oiled machine!

3) When you look at the mission objectives- How or why would ANYONE be opposed to "reducing duplication and redundancy, and improving efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability of the executive branch."?

4) Refocusing the 'Mission' of our government agencies around customer experience? Who are the customers??? WE THE PEOPLE! You mean that @POTUS wants to make our government function in a way that is friendly to US?

5) Here is the timeline that President Trump has been operating off of to effect these changes.

6) Interconnected agencies, customer service, stewardship of tax dollars and better customer experiences.... This sounds like a fortune 500 company outline. Our government has NEVER talked like this.

7) Thought this was an interesting assessment:

8) When is the last time your heard our government leadership talk about a Mission Statement? "Government activities are rooted in the missions that the American people, through their elected officials, require".

9) "Small businesses seeking loans, to families receiving disaster support, to veterans expecting proper benefits and medical care deserve a customer experience that compares to or exceeds that of leading private-sector organizations, which most Federal services lag behind."

10) I don't know about you but I am excited to hear this kind of rhetoric coming from our government. This is a vision and direction for advancement- NOT just business as usual.

11) Stewardship? You mean our government is actually going to spend our money with frugality? You mean that they are going to be accountable to adhere to a scrutinized budget? Oh the insanity of it!

12) Here is the progression outline-

13) Many of you are Veterans who have dealt with the appeals process- You know what this feels like firsthand! 470,000 pending appeals backlogged. How is that possible?

14) If you have ever read and applied the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People- By Stephen Covey- You recognize this quadrant graphic. Unfortunately our government has lived in the 'transformation urgency' box for far too long. The antithesis of efficiency.

15) This is unbelievable. IT'S FOOD!

16) Mission alignment Imperatives- This category is the agencies that are not very good at delivering the customer experience- Their overall effectiveness is good but their efficiency is hindered by outdated methodology.

17) Management Improvement Opportunities- Too many agencies are overlapping in their services. This category will be the agencies that are either eliminated or have certain services rolled into other agencies.

18) Transformation Urgency- These are the agencies that are in near complete failure. They are not efficient, not effective, and are not aligned with the mission of the people.

19) Organizations in Alignment- The agencies in this category are operating near optimal. They will require a few changes and tweaks to maximize effectiveness- but for the most part- they are on track.

20) If you have worked in the corporate world in the last 15 years, you have likely experienced your company attempting to centralize all management decisions from the top. Trump is taking each dept. head and empowering THEM to create their budget and manage their dept.

21) Here are the proposed Mission Alignment Imperatives. We will work through each proposed change individually.

22) Merging the Departments of Education and Labor into a single Cabinet agency- The Department of Education and Workforce (DEW)

23) Here is the Summary of Proposal and the flowchart of what that will look like.

24) Move the non-commodity nutrition assistance programs currently in the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service into the Department of Health and Human Services—which will be renamed the Department of Health and Public Welfare.

25) Army Corp of Engineers- Will move to the Department of Transportation and Interior. Effectively splitting their divisions into the department that best fits their objectives.

26) The USDA will absorb the FDA's food safety and inspection functions from the HHS/FDA.

27) The USDA's rural housing programs will be moved under HUD.

28) Move the Department of Commerce's National Marine Fisheries Service under the Department of Interior's Fish and Wildlife Service.

Some of these current alignments just do not make any sense. Crazy!

29) Consolidating portions of the Department of Interior's Hazardous Materials program under the EPA.

30) I need to add in the Summaries to the ones that I forgot to provide- Here is the one linking to 24)

31) Summary of proposal for 25)-

32) What will change in the split of the Corp of Engineers in post 25)

33) Summary of Proposal for post 26)-

34) Summary of Proposal for post 27)-

35) Summary of Proposal for post 28)-

36) Summary of Proposal for post 29)- Environmental Cleanup Programs

37) Here is why the change is needed in the Environmental Cleanup Programs.

38) You will notice that USAID is going to receive extreme changes to their agency. Accountability- Hmmm. We all know how USAID has been used for nefarious acts in the past.

39) Summary of Proposal- Humanitarian Assistance programs.

40) I firmly believe that this change is remove the slush funds for people who want to use USAID as a vehicle to create organizations overseas like ISIS.

41) USAID-State Table of Optimization

42) Consolidate the U.S. Government’s development finance tools, such as the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) and the Development Credit Authority (DCA) of USAID, into a new Development Finance Institution

43) Why we should consolidate OPIC and DCA.

44) Transform USAID through an extensive, agency-driven structural reorganization of headquarters Bureaus and Independent Offices

45) This is not really the why behind USAID being transformed- But this is the publicly displayed reason.

46) Move the policy function of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) into the Executive Office of the President, and elevate its core strategic mission while devolving certain operational activities.

47) Structure and Function- Executive office of the President- Personnel management

48) Office of Personnel Management structure vs. EOP Personnel Management structure.

49) Transfer responsibility for perpetual care and operation of select military and veteran cemeteries located on DOD installations to the Department of Veterans Affairs’ National Cemetery Administration.

50) Here is the methodology of this move

51) Reorganize the U.S. Census Bureau, the Bureau of Economic Analysis, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics under Commerce

52) Streamlining the Census and statistics

53) Consolidate the Department of Energy’s (DOE) applied energy programs into a new Office of Energy Innovation in order to maximize the benefits of energy research and development and to enable quicker adaptation to the Nation’s changing energy technology needs.

54) So we are still in the Mission Alignment Imperatives box. The previous changes have been to use Organizational Realignments to Enhance Mission and Service Delivery. The next changes are to Refocus, Reduce, or Expand the Mission of these agencies.

55) Sell the transmission assets owned and operated by the Tennessee Valley Authority and the Power Marketing Administrations within DOE, including those of Southwestern Power Administration, Western Area Power Administration, and Bonneville Power Administration.

56) Why we are divesting in these assets

57) Restructure the U.S. Postal System to return it to a sustainable business model or prepare it for future conversion from a Government agency into a privately-held corporation. The President’s Task Force on the United States Postal System will make recommendations August 2018.

58) Funny- As I am typing this, I just saw a commercial from the USPS talking about customer service!

59) Reorganize DOT to better align the agency’s core missions and programmatic responsibilities, reduce transportation program fragmentation across the Government, and improve outcomes.

60) How the spin offs in the DOT will take place.

61) Transform the way the Federal Government delivers support for the U.S. housing finance system to ensure more transparency and accountability to taxpayers, & to minimize the risk of tax payer-funded bailouts, while maintaining responsible & sustainable support for homeowners.

62) Goodbye to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

63) Rethink how the Federal Government can drive economic growth in concert with private-sector investments in communities across the Nation by coordinating and consolidating Federal economic assistance resources into a Bureau of Economic
Growth at Commerce.

64) Getting the community involved in economic growth projects.

65) Transform the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps into a leaner and more efficient-organization that is better prepared to respond to public health emergencies and provide vital health services

66) Streamlining the Health Corp to operate with reserves in order to be able to respond to health emergencies without wasting money on full-time services that are not necessary.

67) This section is dealing with the MANAGEMENT IMPROVEMENT AND EFFICIENCY OPPORTUNITIES. The top left box in the graphic posted earlier. These are the agencies that are close to being right but need improved stewardship.

68) Establish an accelerated process for determining whether one or more of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Centers should be converted to, or host, a Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC)

69) Why are we restructuring NASA? PRIVATE $$$ While reaching greater heights are reclaiming leadership in space exploration. Many of NASA's former duties will be rolled into the new Space Force.

70) Consolidate the administration of graduate fellowships for multiple Federal agencies under the National Science Foundation in order to reduce the total cost of administering those fellowships.

71) Optimize the Federal real property footprint by making smart investments in renovations and new facilities, driving down lease costs, and disposing of unneeded real estate through a streamlined process that results in the greatest return to the taxpayer.

72) Looks like we are getting out of the real estate business. This is a move that most all corporations have made to streamline operations. Saves TONS of money on maintenance and upkeep.

73) Consolidate and streamline financial education and literacy programs currently operating across more than 20 Federal agencies to ensure effective allocation of Federal financial literacy resources and avoid unneeded overlap and duplication.

74) Why in the world would 20 different agencies have separate education programs? Waste- SLUSH

75) Strengthen the Small Business Administration (SBA) as the voice of small business within the Government by consolidating small business focused guaranteed lending and Federal contracting certification programs at SBA.

76) I am so stoked about the revamping of the SBA. As a small business owner, dealing with the government has ALWAYS been a pain- Multiple agencies to contact- red tape... Thankful!

77) Consolidate protective details at certain civilian Executive Branch agencies under the U.S. Marshals Service in order to more effectively and efficiently monitor and respond to potential threats. Threat assessments would be conducted with support from the U.S. Secret Service

78) Well well well. Looks like the USSS is going to be a support role from now on under the US Marshals Service. Wonder what that means for the FBI?

79) Consolidate the small grants functions, expertise, and grant-making from the Inter-American Foundation and U.S. African Development Foundation into USAID beginning in FY 2019.

80) Another slush fund bites the dust.

81) Transition Federal agencies’ business processes and record-keeping to a fully electronic environment, and end the National Archives and Records Administration’s acceptance of paper records by December 31, 2022. It is already basically a museum.

82) This should also allow more transparency with record-keeping.

83) Transform the way Americans interact with the Federal Government by establishing a Government-wide customer experience improvement capability. Provide a modern, streamlined, and customer-centric experience for citizens, businesses, and other customers.

84) This is really exciting. Imagine if our government starts treating all of us like customers.

85) Next Gen Financial Services Environment as a new approach to Federal Student Aid (FSA) processing and servicing with a modernized architecture. Next Gen will save taxpayers millions of dollars and will create a world-class customer experience for FSA's 42 million customers

86) Solve the Federal cybersecurity workforce shortage by establishing a unified cyber workforce capability across the civilian enterprise, working through DHS and OMB in coordination with all Federal departments and agencies.

87) Getting the best cyber experts in the position to protect across all agencies. Long over due. Keeps things like the Awan's from happening.

88) Establish a Government Effectiveness Advanced Research (GEAR) Center as a public-private partnership to help the Government respond to findings that present opportunities to improve mission delivery, services to citizens, and stewardship
of public resources.

89) Consistent review of needed improvements is absolutely necessary to the evolution of a business or government.

90) Transfer the National Background Investigations Bureau from OPM to DOD,
providing the opportunity to achieve an efficient, effective, fiscally viable, and secure operation that meets all agencies’ needs.

91) Allowing one agency to handle all background checks centralized the functions with the people who will be the experts. Makes good sense.

92) Expand upon existing agency evaluation capabilities and push agencies to adopt stronger practices that would generate more evidence about what works and what needs improvement in order to inform mission-critical decisions and policies.

93) Consistent review of department efficiency is paramount in accountability.

94) Read the descriptions for these departments from multiple points of view. One is from a government employee in that department.

95) Another prospective is as a normal everyday American, who does not read between the lines. But the prospective that I think matters most is @POTUS

96) Think of how crazy it must drive President Trump as a man who has spent his life running huge corporations and developing efficiency plans for them, to come into a government that wastes so much time, manpower and money.

97) Think about all of the intentional loop holes and bureaucratic red tape that exists in each department and how difficult that makes accountability.

98) Of my 20+ year career, almost half of that was spent in some form of loss prevention. One of my primary objectives was to not only catch those responsible for the loss, but to locate points of vulnerability.

99) When you eliminate or isolate those points of vulnerability, you could easily identify and track those responsible for the losses and hold them accountable. Imagine if 10 people have the combination to the safe and $$ comes up missing. Who did it? But if codes are personal...

100) You can isolate the timeline, the paper trail and coded access to narrow down the list of suspects. Once you have that short list, it is really not hard to figure out who it was.

101) Now let's apply that thought to government. Many of these agencies have had deep corruption issues for a long time. Wasteful spending-kickbacks-bribes-slush funds etc. NO accountability though due to the lack of oversight ability-

102) Multiple departments dealing in common funding arenas and departments inability to share information efficiently to coordinate dispersal. This would be a nightmare to try to find who was responsible for lost assets or money- much less figure out who had sold services.

103) While I LOVE all of these changes as a business man. I understand these changes from a loss mitigation prospective as well. @POTUS said he is DRAINING the swamp- NOT getting rid of the swamp creatures. There is a BIG difference here.

104) @POTUS is DRAINING the swamp- He is changing the environment that promoted the evolution of these swamp creatures. He is reforming the entire landscape to keep the swamp creatures from coming back to breed their corruption again.

105) And that is why-
Oh My!
@POTUS Brilliance
Much more here than meets the eye!
Well done @realDonaldTrump

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