Teresa Chan | 陳敏怡 Profile picture
Founding Dean & VP Medical Affairs @TorontoMet School of Medicine Alumni: @UofT @SchulichMedDent @machealthsci @UICdme @UofPeople #MedEd #FOAMed

Jul 5, 2020, 12 tweets

What’s up with me tonight? #cookingforcovid again! This time brown butter gnocchi with chicken and mushrooms!

First up to cut up and boil 3 large potatoes!

Cut and boil the potatoes.
Then mash them!
The cool them

Set them aside and let them to cool to room temp! Then add an egg to the cooled mashed potatoes! Stir all together and then add flour a little bit at a time. Keep stirring until it starts to form little balls of dough.

Dust your cooking surface, and roll out the dough into long logs of dough. Cut these down to size. Set them aside.

Continue to do this and set it aside... you can freeze the extras...

Boil water again.... and in the meantime fry up your chicken and the mushrooms. For flavour I salted and put some fried thyme onto my chicken breast before searing it. Then when chicken was mostly cooked, added Cremini & king oyster mushrooms! A bit of chicken broth to flavour.

Once done, set these aside and then using the same pan, melt about 2/3 block of 1/4 butter stick to make the brown butter sauce.

Drop in the gnocchi...

Boil then until the start floating! This is when you know they’re ready!

Strain them and drop them into the brown butter sauce, adding back in the mushrooms and chicken.

Plate the gnocchi/chicken/mushroom. Add in garnishes like parmesan and chives!

And here we are! All done - roughly 1 hour cooking time from start to finish!

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