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Dec 2, 2023

Often touted as the pinnacle of Justice by the clueless, here are the facts:

✅ Almost all of the presiding judges immediately condemned this show trial to the world as an abortion of justice, often stating that they were embarrassed to be a part of it.

✅ “Confessions” from Germans were obtained via them signing prepared statements in English, a language they didn’t speak, after months of enduring horrible torture. 137/139 German defendants had their testicles crushed.

✅ 80% (2400/3000) of the paid staff (lawyers, clerks, interpreters, investigators) participating in the Nuremberg Trials were jewish.

✅ Zero evidence of any atrocities was presented. A verdict was reached based on hearsay from just 2 German bureaucrats, Wilhelm Höttl who produced only one statement, and Dieter Wisliceny who was not cross examined and went on to retract his testimony in a later trial.

✅ The American, French, and British officials presiding the Nuremberg trials allowed many Soviet atrocities, such as the Katyn Massacre where 15,000+ Poles were executed by the Soviet ✡️ NKVD, to be blamed on the Germans.

✅ Documents from German officers instructing those overseeing labor camps to “make every effort to reduce death rates in the camps” (caused by allied forces bombing supply routes so that critical food and medicine could not be delivered) were buried from the public.

✅ Multiple investigative reports surfaced as a result of these trials (The Müller Report, The Simpson Commission) demanding that fabricated testimony be reprimanded and citing zero evidence of ⛽️ chambers as well as condemning the torture of those “testifying.”

✅ Operation Paperclip is often parroted as some super secret agreement to keep Nazis in control, however the reality is it was another example of American and Soviet greed. German scientists were the best in the world, they used torture and execution as persuasion to bring that technology overseas. In 1945, anyone that refused to comply mysteriously committed su1c1d3 (often taking their families with them). Anyone can look this stuff up. Manners of “suic1d3” included grenades, freezing to death, etc.

As always, links to sources will be provided in the comments because X shadow bans external sources. @CueBacca17 probably had a hand in this research, she is A1.Image
(2/12) This is all a matter of Congressional Record. The Senate confirmed everything in this thread. Image
(3/12) A list of presiding judges that condemned these trials when they were over. Image
Read 14 tweets
May 5
Everyone knows EigenLayer isn't a normal project.

But I think 90% of people didn't fully understand the power of $EIGEN. It's not just any token.

I'm breaking down the 40-page long whitepaper into 30 tweets.

Let's talk about this "Universal Intersubjective Work Token"... Image
Before we start, I want to specify that 2/3 of the paper explains complex games regarding cryptoeconomic security and why the infrastructure is safe.

I'm going to keep it simple, there's no reason to explain all those details in this thread.

Universal Intersubjective Work Token... fancy term huh? Let's unpack it starting from the basics.

What's a Work Token? Usually, we refer to work tokens as those that need to be staked to perform digital tasks.

$ETH and $SOL are work tokens.
Read 37 tweets
May 6
In 2009, Stanford business professor Tina Seelig split her class into groups and issued a challenge:

Each group had $5 and 2 hours to make the highest return on the money.

At the end, they'd give a short presentation on their strategy.

What happened next was fascinating: Image
Most of the groups followed a simple approach:

• Use the $5 to buy a few items.
• Barter or resell those items.
• Repeat
• Sell final items for (hopefully) more than $5.

These groups made a modest return on their initial $5.
A few groups ignored the $5.

They thought up ways to make the most money in the allotted time:

• Made/sold reservations at hot restaurants.
• Refilled bike tires on campus.

These groups made a good return on the initial $5.

The winning group took a very different approach:
Read 15 tweets
May 6
Heart disease is the leading cause of death

But it’s insulin resistance that causes heart disease, strokes, cancers and other inflammatory conditions

Since your doctor won’t help you avoid it, here are 42 sentences that will:
1) Insulin resistance occurs due to poor metabolic health

2) When you eat, your pancreas naturally releases insulin to absorb the sugar out of your bloodstream into the muscle, fat and liver cells
3) If sugar levels are chronically elevated, your body, like a drug addict, requires more insulin to have the same effect

4) You can be insulin resistant without any symptoms, since it’s a leading indicator and blood sugar is a lagging indicator
Read 25 tweets
May 6
Your brain is a hardware.

Every day the battery goes to 0

If you don't charge it, the software becomes useless.

Give me 2 minutes and I'll show you how to gain a super brain in 8 steps: Image
1. Meditation

↳ Sit down
↳ Close your eyes
↳ Breathe in and out
↳ Focus on your breath
↳ Thoughts will come, let them pass
↳ Keep your focus on your breath

Meditation reduces stress, increases focus, and boosts creativity.
2. Exercise

↳ Jog in place
↳ Do jumping jacks
↳ Do a quick yoga routine
↳ Do some push-ups

This gets your blood flowing, gets you energized, and clears your mind.
Read 12 tweets
May 6
(THREAD) This is a brief thread from a NYT-bestselling Trump biographer on what everyone—literally everyone—is missing about the 34 felonies Donald Trump committed to win the 2016 presidential election. This will change how you understand the 2016 election cycle.

Please RETWEET. Image
1/ I’ve been covering Donald Trump more or less full-time since the day he announced his presidential candidacy in 2015, so there are things I remember as part of my job that many who follow politics more casually don’t and wouldn’t.

One is that Trump believed he’d lose in 2016.
2/ There were many articles just before the 2016 election and just after it confirming that Trump ran in 2016 to elevate the only thing he really cares about—his brand. Of course he was *trying* to win and *sort of* even wanted to win, but mainly the run was to raise his profile.
Read 82 tweets
May 6
Want to know how Woke activists take over buildings, smash windows, trash university campuses, and still have the press call them "non-violent"?

Well, as it turns out these are well trained activists using intelligent, highly developed tactics.

Here's a primer:

First off: none of this is spontaneous.

IE: The protestors in the video going around have shields. (pic 1)

In 2020 we learned these shields can take hours to make and are made by volunteers working all day. You don't do that spontaneously. It takes planning. (pics 2 +3)

Here's a thread on the shields used during the 2020 Portland protests. They are well built and are distributed to those wishing to engage in "direct action" (AKA violence and vandalism).

Not all shields are built like this, but this is typical:
Read 32 tweets
May 6
One of the largest concerns with the mRNA gene therapy was its cancer risk—yet Pfizer was exempted from testing for it. Since then, we've seen many signs these vaccines cause aggressive cancers. Recently, a Medicaid whistleblower showed us cancer rates went up 2.5 times. A🧵 Image
The complete data Kirsch received from the Medicaid whistleblower can be viewed below. In addition to being statistically significant, it also showed only specific cancers increased, and many of those were the highly aggressive cancers.…
Right before Pfizer's vaccine hit the market, its regulatory documents were leaked. I immediately checked what they said for the required cancer, autoimmunity and fertility studies. Remarkably, none had been done. I took this as a tacit admission the real data was very bad. Image
Read 12 tweets
May 6
Fui ao show da Madonna.
Vou resumir porque muita gente já falou sobre o tema e agora virou disputa de quem faz o texto melhor. Não é o meu caso, fiquem tranquilos.
Na sexta feira um amigo querido e generoso me conseguiu um convite para a Área Vip da Azul. Amei.
Fui de metrô.
Clima agradabilíssimo. Pessoas se cumprimentando mesmo sem se conhecerem num clima de amizade, paz e comunhão como se todos estivéssemos em um folheto dos Testemunha de Jeová versão LGBTQIA+.Se um tigre de Bengala entrasse na estação Largo do Machado e me perguntasse ATIVO OU PASSIVO? eu não estranharia. A magia estava no ar.
A área vip estava "ARREGADA". Muitos comes e bebes, gente bonita, pouquíssimos pretos no desfrute e muitíssimos pretos no serviço. Por que há tão poucos pretos VIPS, minha gente? Eu mesmo só fui porque um amigo por mim teve compaixão.(poxa... Jurei que não ia militar. falhei. )
Mas voltando. Área VIP maravilhosa mesmo. Só acho que faltou uma memorabilia da Madonna. Nem o leque da Heineken que eles ofereceram tinha a carinha de Madge. Nem nos copos colocaram um adesivinho. Soube que no Itaú houve distribuição de vários brindes com a cara da artista. Invejei. Mas também fiquei humilde porque estava tudo muito legal.
Sobre o show.
Apesar de todo o espírito fanfarrão, burlesco e celebrativo foi um show também para contemplar, para observar os detalhes, as escolhas, as texturas...
Madonna estava fulminante exalando safadeza, putianismo e calcitran. O joelho da fia tava dodói, mas ela brilhava em suas performances agora mais econômicas. Gosto de artistas que envelhecem, apesar de não achar Madonna essa bíblia autografada como tanta gente diz. 65 anos pra mim não é uma idade tão arqueológica e acho forçar a barra tratar Madonna como se ela fosse do corpo de baile do Castelo de Herodes.
Eu cantei tudo e estava cercado por três mulheres que também cantaram tudo. Isso me abraçou. Aliás a gente se abraçou. O clima era esse. Mas tinha muita gente que não notaria a diferença se trocassem Madonna por Sarajane ou até mesmo Maju Coutinho.
Me emocionei com a alegria das gays. Tinha de todos os tipos. Gays antigas, gays renascentistas, Gays pré-diluvianas, Gays que trabalharam no Jardim do Eden plantando begônias e se oferecendo para Adão...
Uma alegria ver as Queens sem vergonha de serem felizes. Me senti honrado e livre. E orgulhoso. Um portal de RATANABICHA se abriu para Copacabana e todos nos unimos em prece e piranhismo cósmico.

Achei tudo muito lindo. Muito especial.
As luzes e figurinos estavam deslumbrantes. Muito brilho, muito tafetá, chiffon. Uma celebração às Casas Turuna.
Amei o repertório, Impecável, mas fiquei particularmente aceso com
BAD GIRL (amoooooo)

Amo essas músicas. Me tocaram em lugares macios da nostalgia de minha alma periguética. Me vi radiante de camisa da K & K, Calça da Company, Meias da Anarquia, Tênis da Redley , Relógio Technos com pulseiras que mudam de cor e cheirando ao perfume de Maçã Verde da Cabeça Feita. Pena que essa imagem é só uma ilusão, porque era pobríssimo e minha camiseta era do Shopping Shana, minha calça do Armazém das Fábricas, minhas meias eram da Lupo (já foi marca de humildes) e meu tênis era Rainha. Meu perfume? Barla. Mas eu posso me imaginar, né? Posso repavimentar os caminhos baixa renda de meu passado, não posso? Hahaha mesmo porque hoje me visto na Belíssima hahahaha. Mas aquele adolescente bicha preta pobre se sentiu abraçado, iluminado e livre pra dançar no seu quarto. (Militei de novo hahahahah me deixa)

Mas vou dar uma gongada de leve.

Fiquei frustrado com Like a Prayer. Muito. Na hora do Let the choir Sing não teve Choir Singing, gente? A música acabou logo na parte em que o empobagiramento ia começar. Meu corpo todo se aqueceu, minha alma toda se acendeu, um maiô de tigresa começou a se materializar em meu corpo roliço, minha Pombagira Pato Donalds encostou... e na hora que a música explodiria no Gospel Tântrico o DJ trocou a música do Pen Drive. Foi como estar prestes a ter um orgasmo maravilhoso e de repente um marimbondo ferroasse seu pinto. Broxei muito. Muito.

Mas passou.

Achei muito bonito o momento LIVE TO TELL, mas acho que criei tanta expectativa que não me emocionei tanto. Mas aí não é culpa de Madonna é culpa minha. Mas amei muito.

Outra coisa que estranhei foi a qualidade do som. Do lugar onde eu estava a voz da Madonna estava muito abafada. Muito. Eu fui ao show de 1993 e fui nesse último e minha principal reclamação de 93 se repetiu agora: O som me decepcionou. O batidão tava firme e forte, mas o corpo de Louise estava na praia de Copacabana e a voz na feijoada da Tia Surica em Madureira. Depois de um tempo a gente trabalha a mediunidade e inventa uma voz na nossa cabeça e segue o baile, mas para mim a experiência seria mais gloriosa com a voz de Madonna soando mais alta. Ok. Coisa minha.

Sobre Pablo Vittar e Anitta: Aquela nuvem que passa lá em cima sou eu, aquele barco que vai, mar afora sou eu...

Adorei tudo mesmo.

O auge pra mim foi EXPRESS YOURSELF. Madonna e seu violão safado cantando um hino eterno e indestrutível, homenageando Keith Haring, repetindo pela bucentésima vez que amava estar no Rio perto do mar lindo, das montanhas beautifuls, de Jesus Cristo. Naquela hora mística ela se transubstanciou em um deusa pagã, acolhedora e pornô e tal qual a fênix de fogo que se materializava ao redor de Jean Grey quando ela usava seus poderes, Madonna foi circundada por uma imensa Vulva Demiúrgica, uma gigantesca Ximbica de Hélio , Hidrogênio e Matéria do Big Bang emanando luz ximbical e derramando um mar de groselha endométrica cósmica enquanto seu corpo se transformava em uma Isis Only Fans de bilhões de seios que nos amamentavam com leite de onça, Zolpidem e Mumu. A glória bucetificante da Mother White se espalhou por aquela terra corrompida por falso moralismo e cafonice.


Sou grato.

Salve the Queen and the pussy LGBTQI+ Power.

Obrigado pela leitura.
Read 2 tweets
May 6
thinking now that the lie of "Asian capitalism" - Korea, China, Hong Kong, Japan - as a peaceful process of democracy-free development, with all the political struggle and violence underpinning it erased, is really one of the most awful delusions of our whole international system Image
its part of our dogma that everything in Asia looking like Meiji Japan with varying veneers of democracy or socialism is something innately Asian of Confucian or etc, rather than simply the result of the whole region being forcefully frozen shut by the Americans in 1950
Ive been accused of orientalism before and thats not wrong, but my fundamental belief is to de-other Asia; these systems didt emerge out of a Confucian fog, did not naturally take root because of the special character of the east. they were forceful impositions by modern capital
Read 3 tweets
May 7
99% of people don't ask good questions at the end of job interviews.

Here are 10 questions I used to get hired by JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs and Citi:
1. Is there anything else I can elaborate on to ensure I’m the best choice?

This open-ended question allows you to seal the deal by addressing any lingering questions, and double down on your unique strengths.

Use this last chance to highlight 1-2 essential skills they need, that you can offer over the other candidates.

This final impression most directly impacts hiring choices.
2. What doubts do you have about my qualifications for this role?

This allows you to respond to any hesitations and remove roadblocks to a job offer.

This flips the script to allow them to present any doubts, allowing you to address any concerns.

Listen closely for hints on where your experience or skills don’t sync with their requirements.

Remind them of your past successes handling similar challenges.
Read 10 tweets
May 7
Short thread: Mandal VERSUS Mandir is a wrong way to understand Indian politics.

I said it at the time of awarding Bharat Ratnas to Advani, Karpoori, and PVNR- Modi represents an attempt at a new consensus on Mandir + Mandal (status quo) + Markets (1/n)
The real contrast in policy agendas of BJP and INC is the socioeconomic vision of 3Ms

Mandir + Mandal (status quo) + Markets


Minority appeasement + Mandal maxxing + Mao (2/n)
BOTH represent a shift from the hitherto 3S Nehruvian consensus of Secularism plus Social Justice plus Socialism.

Ofc Nehruvian consensus always had the seeds of the latter agenda: minority appeasement in secularism, reservations in social justice, and socialism (3/n)
Read 7 tweets
May 7
#SupremeCourt will today resume the hearing to the challenge against Calcutta HC's order cancelling 25000 appointments by West Bengal School Service Commission

#westbengalsscappointments #WestBengal Image
Here is a recap of the last hearing :

Dwivedi: 2 aspects involved (1) the segregation of appointments- whether the candidates can be segregated as tainted and untainted on basis of any records

#westbengalsscappointments #WestBengal
Read 135 tweets
May 7
Gujarat Files (Thread)
How Congress destroyed Gujarat by Muslim appeasement

Many people think that Godhra train burning was the only reason of Gujarat riots but they are wrong.

It was just a spark but gun powder was spread by Congress during their rule of 50 years

1/16 Image
Story of Godhra train burning starts from 1946. That train burning was result of what was happening in Gujarat since 1946 on name of secularism

A truth that no one told u till now.
The real Gujarat Files

First communal major riot happened in Gujarat at 1946 at Ahmedabad.
Ahmedabad was major center of Muslim league at that time. A dispute happened in Jaganath rath yatra that turned into communal riots

Lot of Hindus were killed in those riots.
After independence Ahmedabad became the major industrial city of India
Read 16 tweets
May 7
Antes q difamem como Teoria de Conspiração: há fatos/patentes registradas do H.A.A.R.P Project no fio 🧶
Sul Brasil e H.A.A.R.P ? Min do meio ambiente/ “Plano Marshall”/cidades inteligentes/ tragédia no Sul. 🤔 Seria essa a maior ameaça a segurança alimentar do Brasil?!
2/ Link para documento do Parlamento Europeu discutindo o uso do projeto dos EUA sobre manipulação da ionosfera e de campos magnéticos com risco de serem Bio weapons gerando catástrofes climáticas…
3/ “De acordo com o Dr. Nick BEGICH, um especialista do Alasca e autor de uma das principais publicações sobre o assunto*, o programa HAARP permitiria que tais concentrações de energia fossem alcançadas que uma região inteira do planeta pudesse ser privada de água.”
Read 6 tweets
May 7

Sperm cells are either X or Y. The Egg cell is always X. If X-Sperm cell meets the egg(X) the baby will be a Girl (XX). If Y-Sperm cell meets the egg(X), the baby will be a Boy (XY).
The Y-Sperm cells move fast but die fast (its lifespan is about 24hrs). X-Sperm cells move slowly but survive longer (up to 3-4days).

Therefore, if you have intercourse some days before ovulation, most of the Y-Sperm cells would have died leaving mostly X-Sperm cells-
to fertilized the egg

Here's a simple way to calculate your ovulation period.

1. From the first day you see the blood of your period.
2. Pick up a calendar and count 15 days including the first day of the blood stain.
3. Mark the 15th day with a pen.
Read 13 tweets
May 7
The Patiala Necklace & Met Gala 2022, a story about how rich India was & how Westerners continue to appropriate Indian Heritage, a thread:

Since, #MetGala24 just happened, let me take you back to Met 2022 and how Emma Chamberlain wore a necklace that belonged to Maharaja Bhupinder Singh of Patiala.

Those of you who don’t know her, Emma Chamberlain is a famous American YouTuber, Content creator and was also the brand ambassador of Cartier in 2022.

What caught everyone’s eye is her outfit at 2022 Met was her necklace.Image
In 1911, Jacques Cartier met Maharaja Bhupinder Singh of Patiala in India. In 1925, the Maharaja brought 20 trunks of precious stones to Paris, each trunk heavily guarded. He had them reset at Maison Cartier. In 1928, the luxury-loving Maharaja tasked Cartier with creating a ceremonial necklace featuring the massive De Beers diamond, which weighed 234.65 carats. The diamond, inherited from his father Rajinder Singh of Patiala, was acquired in 1889 at the Paris Universal Exhibition. It's the world's seventh-largest diamond. The Patiala Necklace, comprised five rows of platinum chains with 2,390 diamonds & Burmese rubies, was the most expensive jewel of its time. It stood as one of Cartier's largest commissions ever.Image
Here’s the catch, The Patiala Necklace vanished mysteriously after gracing Maharaja Yadavindra Singh in 1948. No one knows how it vanished from India and from family of Patiala. In 1982, the De Beers diamond resurfaced at a Sotheby's auction, separated from the necklace. Another part emerged in 1998 in a London antique shop. Cartier, unable to find the original jewels, recreated the necklace with replica stones, preserving its historic essence. What’s interesting is both parts of necklace was found in UK & was conveniently acquired by Cartier.Image
Read 7 tweets
May 7
When you stop & think about it...What is Russia without it's nuclear weapons?

Literally just a giant 3rd world country trying desperately to remain relevant after the collapse of USSR.

Let's dive in the reality of Russian state & mentality 🧵 Image
Russia is a sick country that lives in three-phase cycles. Rise, Decline & Collapse.

This cycle repeats itself every century or so. Todays Russia is in a state of decline

Russia falls every time to the same diseases that torment it: Imperialism, megalomania & totalitarianism.
These national diseases have prevented Russia from developing and generation after generation of brainwashed people praise this sick system without questioning anything before the next stage of collapse.
Read 14 tweets
May 7
Il Sole dell'Avvenire 2.0
il pensiero di Xi Jinping guarda al passato

Il primo a rendere materia di studio il suo pensiero fu Mao Zedong

il quale con le famose frasi a effetto
raccolte nel Libretto Rosso all'apice del culto della personalità che coltivò per tutto il suo regno⬇️ Image
indicò la via da percorrere alle masse rivoluzionarie

Il fine era il raggiungimento del Comunismo
che venne poi derubricato
a "Socialismo con caratteristiche cinesi"

Il Pensiero di Xi si chiama "Socialismo con caratteristiche cinesi per una nuova era"

ma di nuovo c'è poco ⬇️ Image
Il Socialismo di Mao aveva un linguaggio diretto

bisognava che le masse comprendessero appieno la portata rivoluzionaria delle sue affermazioni

Mao era un uomo colto e la sua dialettica era certo forbita ma basata su esempi concreti e accessibili a tutti
Xi usa le stesse ⬇️ Image
Read 21 tweets
May 7
This story encapsulates what I've always felt about these talks since the beginning. Basically Israel is on one side of the table and Hamas is working via Doha, and Doha is a western ally, so in essence there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes and Israel is always on the losing end of these talks because Hamas is hosted by a "major non-NATO ally" which gives Hamas huge leverage (more than Israel).

THIS is what makes Hamas different than Hezbollah. If Hezbollah had done an Oct. 7 it would be more. isolated because it isn't hosted by western allies. Hamas is indirectly allied with the West and this means it has a huge upper hand in the hostage talks.
It's also important to understand how disastrous these talks have been. After the first hostage deal in November, Israel's defense establishment put out a narrative that military pressure would lead to more deals. Hamas violated the first deal and the released hostages told stories about the abuse of the remaining hostages.
However, rather than there being more urgency to pressure Hamas and get more deals, after the first deal the pressure on Hamas was reduced. First Israel left most of northern Gaza and Hamas returned.
Read 16 tweets
May 7
Tadi sekitar pukul 13.00 wib, aku dan kawan kawanku pas nambal jalan di jalan belik-watukumpul tepatnya di dusun Gembol , pak @Mansur_hidayat_ lewat tapi cuma lewat, kaya bukan bupati gitu.
Padahal (mungkin) bukan cuma aku tapi yang lainnya juga berharapnya pak @Mansur_hidayat_ turun sekedar say hai aja udah seneng, ga perlu ngasih duit deh, karena semen dan pasir yang buat nambal itu hasil kolektifan anak2x biar gaada kecelakaan lagi.
@Mansur_hidayat_ Bapak ngerasa ga tadi sepanjang jalan belik-watukumpul banyak lubang berjalan2x? Kalo nunggu dikerjain mah keburu orang orang pada jatuh lagi, pak. Oh iya, sebenernya menurut hemat saya mah, kurangnya cuma saluran air doang, pak. Klo nanti di garap, kasih saluran air juga pak
Read 6 tweets