That's a racist lie. It's also an important lie that helps to understand the worldview of Russian "liberals". In the Russian discourse and especially in the "liberal" discourse everything negative or evil always come from Asia. It's an axiom that requires no proof or evidence
Consider the following. Clueless people like parroting the idea about Russian despotism inherited from the Tatar Khanates. Ok. Let's assume this may be true. Then the question about the political & legal culture of the said Khanates should take central place in that discussion
The argument about the Russian absolutist practices being borrowed from the Tatar Khanates, depends on a question of how did those Khanates look like? Politics, law, institutions. Notice that this question strangely misses from the discussion. Because the entire argument is a lie
There are great studies on the politics and law of the Khanates but they never ever appear in this discussion because it is not an honest discussion at all. It is the endless affirmation of Russian superiority through belonging to the supreme culture/race whatever you like better
There is an axiom that Russians (as Europeans and thus a master race) could never build anything imperfect themselves. So if the political structure they built has imperfections then it must be the influence of Asiatics. Ok, but how did those Asiatic structures look like? Silence
The entire "Muscovite absolutism is derived from the Horde" argument is simply the affirmation of:
1. Russian superiority 2. Russians never holding any responsibility for how their country looks or what it is doing 3. Necessity of stricter ethnic/cultural purification in Russia
If there was even a grain of honest analysis in this discussion, they would first ask the question - what do we already know on the Khanates? What kind of research on them exists? They don't. Because it is simply a massive racist affirmation parroted by the clueless Westerners
If you want to learn about the Tatar political culture, you can find some real studies, based on primary sources in this thread. Krolikowska-Jedlinska who read the Crimean archives may be the most interesting. But Pochekaev and others also do a good job
FYI: Mulino is where German Rheinmetall company was building (in their own words):
"Measuring over 500 square kilometres, the state-of-the-art Russian army training centre in Mulino designed to train a reinforced mechanized infantry or armoured brigade"
Mulino was modelled after the training center of Bundesehr in Altmarkt. In order to proceed with the construction, the Rheinmentall entered in the strategic partnership with Russian stated owned defence company Oboronservis
That was the high point of Serdyukov's reform. Serdyukov tried to modernise the Russian army importing ready solutions from the West: from the armaments to the tactics. And the Rheinmetall was more than ready to help to train the Russian troops
It might be more accurate to describe Daudov (Lord) as the commander-in-chief (вице-премьер по силовому блоку)
Regarding his rhetorics the level of religious observance in Chechnya is vastly exaggerated. I'd even say that being really observant is a sign of nonnocformity there
The large mosque in the centre of Grozny is nearly empty with exception of Friday and religious holidays. Theoretically everyone is supposed to pray five times a day. Very few do that in reality. You might think they pray at home, but majority doesn't. It's certainly an exception
I find that most discussions about Chechnya amount to savagery-porn. Like some paint Chechens as "evil savages". Some as "noble" ones. But that's all projections, because they're neither. Not that much of traditional society or culture survived through the 20th century
He assimilated. He bears Russian name and gave Russian names to his children. He's baptised. Russian masses would considered as almost Russian. His Chinese-style palace or books portraying him as Subaday would hurt his Russified image though. But may be this is exactly his plan
If Shoygu looked too Russian he could be seen as a potential successor, thus risking a conflict with Putin. Perhaps it's more rational to play "Asian" card in order *not* to be seen as a heir
NB: Shoygu remained in government under all Presidents and PMs since 1991. He's cunning
Shoygu never objected to interest groups. He always courted the media. Once journalists who came to Chechnya from Moscow to broadcast his accomplishments lost in the mountains, got scared and wanted to leave. So he drove after them, knelt before them and asked for forgiveness
Btw Melekhin's tweet perfectly illustrated position of ethnic republics in Russian federation. You know that the Kremlin will do with you whatever they want at the slightest disobedience. And let's be honest: you won't get help from anywhere and nobody gonna step up for you
Objecting to Kremlin or not drawing the fake election results it demands is a massive risk. Because the moment Kremlin wants, they'll break you with the Moscow liberal establishment cheering. Moscow liberals are as imperialist as Putin, just with an additional dose of racism
Muslims here should be read as "ethnic" rather than practicing Muslims. It's not so much about whether you go to mosque or not, but whether you identify with a historically Islamic/Islamicate ethnicity or culture. That's what makes you a problem in their eyes
Let me get this straight, @navalny team consider other minorities as inferiors, too. Like Buryats, for example. Still, I don't think they're gonna actively target them. They don't really hate Buryats or Yakuts. With Muslims it's completely different