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Mar 6
Sung to the tune of Walking on the Sun:
It ain't no joke, when tariffs rise and trade's revoked,
They say it helps the local jobs, but that's blowing smoke.
They claim it's for our gain, but it's just a losing game,
Hey, I know it seems absurd, but it's the same as blocking

This is a trade attack, I know it's here, and it's whack,
It's like denying light, thinking darkness brings us back.
And just like fashion, it's a passion for the uninformed,
If you block the goods, you'll find it's like a shadow formed.

So don't delay, act now,
let free trade show us how,
Allow if you're still alive, growth and wealth to arrive.
And if you follow, there may be a tomorrow,
But if the borders shun,
You might as well be blocking out the sun.

Just like the sun shines free, trade should be open sea,
But tariffs
Read 10 tweets
Mar 6
While Trump’s team spreads defeatism and tries to blackmail Ukraine into surrender, Ukrainian soldiers on the battlefield remain unimpressed by the proclamations coming out of Washington Oblast.

Their actions speak louder than words.
In recent days, Ukraine has:

Recaptured Kotlyne
Liberated Pischane
Pushed into Shevchenko

These gains prove two critical points.
🔹 First: Ukraine still has the ability to seize the initiative.

Despite immense challenges, its military can concentrate forces, execute counterattacks, and maintain operational momentum—suggesting it retains significant reserves.

If the West falters, Ukraine can continue fighting until Russia collapses. Slowly trading land against Russian offensive potentials.

If the West finds its backbone, Ukraine can decisively defeat Russia and end the war on just terms.
Read 9 tweets
Mar 6
A chart showing imports in some the sectors where the Trump Administration is likely considering sectoral 232 tariffs --

The US imports almost as many pharmaceuticals as it does finished cars (and pharma imports from Ireland are about equal to vehicle imports from Mexico)

1/ Image
And a chart showing why tariffs on semiconductors (imports of around $60b) are no substitute for a "CHIPS act" -- imports of semiconductors are only 1/5th of imports of products that use semiconductors

2/ Image
Tariff semiconductors but not circuit boards and the US will import circuit boards; tariff chips but not computers, routers and phones and the US will import computers, routers and phones

Read 4 tweets
Mar 5

The Trump who spoke last night is not the same Trump America knew before Butler.

In the shadow of that assassination attempt, a more effective communicator emerged - one who wields his trademark defiance and humor alongside a newfound empathy that creates genuine human connection.

This speech exemplified Trump 2.0's mastery of oratory nimbleness - delivering his message with equal parts heart, fire, and humor.

The results were compelling moments of both stirring defiance and sober reflection 👇

Trump paused mid-speech to make high school senior Jason Hartley's dream come true:

"Your application has been accepted to West Point"

As the chamber erupted in applause for the 4.46 GPA six-letter athlete, the moment showcased Trump's ability to create powerful personal connections that transcend politics.

The room fell silent as Trump recognized Laken Riley's family:

"Laken was stolen from us by a savage."

He unveiled the Laken Riley Act while her mother and sister watched from the gallery, showing how Trump 2.0 has mastered using personal stories to drive policy objectives.
Read 10 tweets
Mar 5
The "PayPal mafia" has taken over the White House.

Elon Musk. David Sacks. Peter Thiel.

But now, there's a new "mafia" forming in Silicon Valley...

And this network will be 10x more powerful in 10 years.

This is the "new PayPal mafia" quietly taking over Silicon Valley🧵 Image
"Tech mafias" are Silicon Valley's secret weapon.

It's not uncommon for a group of talented individuals to work at a breakthrough company, then leave to start their own ventures.

The "Traitorous Eight" from Shockley Semiconductor was the first in the 1950s:
The "Traitorous Eight" were scientists who left Shockley Semiconductor in 1957 to found Fairchild Semiconductor.

This group, led by Gordon Moore and Robert Noyce, later spawned Intel.

Fast forward to the 90s: We see a bunch of young, edgy Standford kids start PayPal...
Read 28 tweets
Mar 5
Today, the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) officially published a statement in Arabic, confirming that No Other Land violates anti-normalization standards. This vindicates what many of us have been saying. bdsmovement.net/ar/PACBI-NoOth… x.com/nerdeenkiswani…
Palestinians are calling for a boycott of the film, recognizing that despite its portrayal of israeli crimes, it ultimately operates within a normalization framework that undermines our struggle.
The statement clarifies that the film was partially funded by Close-Up, a normalization initiative that brings together Palestinian and israeli filmmakers without requiring Israelis to recognize Palestinian rights under international law.
Read 11 tweets
Mar 5

If you missed Trump’s address to Congress last night, I wouldn’t rely on media stories to explain it.

Rather than report on a speech viewers found “inspiring,” the corporate press played PR for Democrats.

Wanna know why trust in the press is underwater? Look. ⤵️
A @CBSNews poll of viewers found “A large majority of viewers approve” of Trump’s message, overwhelmingly describing it as “inspiring,” rather than “divisive.”

The speech was certainly partisan - and viewers skewed right.

But the press’s own view appears to slant their takes. Image
What leads me to claim that? Well, just look at how @CBSNews decided to report on the speech.

They tweeted out that “there was a horribly tense feeling,” and it was “filled with drama.”

Why focus on how their reporter felt, rather than viewers? Image
Read 20 tweets
Mar 5
National IQ combined with genetic curiosity is a much stronger predictor of Nobel Prizes than National IQ alone.

This helps explain why Europeans have won 20 times more Nobel Prizes than Northeast Asians, despite having slightly lower average IQs. Image
The correlation between National IQ + Genetic Curiosity and Nobel Prizes is R = 0.48.

Only R = 0.27 for National IQ alone. Image
Source: Image
Read 3 tweets
Mar 5
🧵 THREAD: Ahead of @DOGE_GSA 's 65 billion re-negotiation with the big contracting companies, I took a quick look at their awards.

First up: Ernst & Young. Uncle Sam cut them a $9 million check for—wait for it—a "Supply Chain Funds Reimbursement Administrator."

Forget STEM, folks—federal consulting is the real money printer! 🤑

Award: CONT_AWD_273FCC24F0052_2700_47QRAD19DU201_4732Image
@DOGE_GSA 🚨 HUD also gave Ernst & Young $838,195 to “improve its strategic approach” for... its own initiatives.

Translation: Nearly a million bucks to shuffle paperwork, check some boxes, and make sure they comply with policies they wrote themselves. Image
@DOGE_GSA The Export-Import Bank of the United States just handed Ernst & Young a cool $251,774 for… drumroll please… a "Sub-Saharan Africa Mandate."

That’s right—your tax dollars went to a New York accounting firm to… what? Audit the vibes of African trade deals? Image
Read 9 tweets
Mar 5
Jesse Livermore is one of the most legendary traders of all time.

In 1929, Livermore’s net worth amassed over $100M, which is equivalent to over $1.5 billion today...

Here are 10 of Livermore's most actionable lessons (you're going to want to bookmark this): Image
Before we get into the lessons, here's a top resource that every trader MUST read:

Reminiscences of a Stock Operator by Edwin Lefévre.

Easy read, yet profound look at Livermore's story & mindset that went into his trading.

Again, it's a must read: Image
Lesson #1: There's nothing new in Wall Street

"One thing I learned early is that there is nothing new in Wall Street. There can't be because speculation is as old as the hills. Whatever happens in the stock market today has happened before and will happen again."

History doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes.Image
Read 15 tweets
Mar 5
1/6 “Israel’s War Decimated Gaza’s Farmlands and Killed Most of its Livestock”

In her guest piece for @DropSiteNews, @Rashaaboujalal1 examines how 16 months of Israeli bombings have transformed Gaza’s once-thriving agricultural landscape. 🧵⬇️ Image
2/6 Before Israel began its assault in 2023, agricultural land covered about 47% of the Gaza Strip and provided up to a third of local food demand— a vital source for Palestinians living under siege for nearly two decades.

Now, much of that land lies barren and unrecognizable. Image
3/6 UN data reveals:
- 82% of Gaza’s croplands,
- 55% of on-farm irrigation systems
- and 78% of greenhouses have been damaged.
- Nearly 70% of agricultural wells are now unusable. Image
Read 6 tweets
Mar 5
@HillStarry @michelle_byoung Yup. There are psychological studies showing that, counterintuitively, when people learn facts proving that something they believe isn't true, they become even more firm in their belief that it IS true. Cognitive dissonance causes people to be resistant to changing their beliefs
@HillStarry @michelle_byoung based on new facts they've learned, even when that is illogical.

This happens with even very innocuous things, so imagine how much more difficult it is to accept the truth about something major that one has believed strongly in and acted upon. This woman said she's a diehard
@HillStarry @michelle_byoung Republican, so it's likely being Republican has been part of her identity for her whole adult life or for many years or decades. And most of her family, friends, and colleagues are probably Trump voters. So accepting the truth about Trump will mean she has to rethink herself,
Read 4 tweets

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