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May 12 4 tweets 2 min read
THIS book contains inherent conceptual BIASES - HOWEVER, it also cites IMPORTANT data that is largely (and in my opinion, incredibly) ignored by COURT HISTORY generally: Image KEY TAKEAWAY (among many):

''The USSR not only undertook a massive rearmament and retraining of Egyptian forces while the Six-Day War was still in progress; regular Soviet personnel took up positions opposite Israeli forces to hold the Suez Canal line and man antiaircraft defenses around Cairo until Egyptian formations could recover.

the first Egyptian counteroffensive moves in the summer and autumn of 1967 were made upon, not against, Soviet advice, and almost certainly with direct Soviet participation. In the following year, Soviet advisers were central to the preparation, launch and conduct of Egypt’s War of Attrition.''
May 10 4 tweets 2 min read

The war within the COLD war - involved the DDR and its (comparatively) robust independent foreign policy. The reality of this paradigm was intense enough that (during the perestroika era) the Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands took to actively CENSORING Soviet publications on grounds of ''counter-revolutionary'' content therein. An UNSUNG cause of this status of relations between MOSOW and EAST BELIN owed to the fact that the DDR was quite literally at WAR with ISRAEL - and remained so right until the end of the DDR's existence. In contrast, the USSR - which had been waging active was against the Jewish state 1967-1973 - had made PEACE, by way of its EGYPTIAN proxy/client state.
Apr 29 6 tweets 2 min read
APRIL 29, 1992: Image
Apr 20 6 tweets 2 min read
APRIL 20, 1889-APRIL 30, 1945 (Wenn alle Bruder Schweigen 🙏⚡️⚡️):Image

Apr 16 5 tweets 2 min read
WATERCOLOR painting of Ludwig II's castle (Schloss Neuschwanstein - Bavaria), by ADOLF HITLER:Image The FUHRER'S best work (objectively - tho I have my OWN favorites).
Apr 12 5 tweets 2 min read
GUILTY PLEASURE of mine lately? Watching POLICE BODYCAM VIDEOS on YT. More fascinating than the POLICES and the HOBOS they're arresting? The COMMENTERS.

''CRIMINALS'' as you corny MFers call US/THEM absolutely DO NOT resist arrest. We also DO NOT refuse to give our ID to FLATFOOTS and whine about our imaginary ''RIGHTS'' while giving the COPS reasons to ARREST and THUMP on us.

We act very very VERY CHILL and hope the POLICES lose interest (kinda like how you react if a BEAR is digging in your picnic basket).


YOU FUCKKERS collect PENSIONS, got your KID in PUBLIC SCHOOL, got PARENTS on SOCIAL SECURITY, love the POLICE who are the BIGGEST suckkers of the WELFARE TIT OAT.

I've taken $0.00 from the REGIME in my LIFETIME. And it continues to RAPE my raggedy, PECKERWOOD ass every tax season.

Sit down and STFU, future LONG PIGGY DINNER.
Apr 3 4 tweets 1 min read
This is just FUCKKHEAD hour at this point. If you're gonna wage RASSENKRIEG and/or otherwise adopt a posture of EBK/FREE FIRE ZONE EVERYWHERE on your OPS, do what the SOVIETS did and declare that ''INTERNATIONAL LAW'' is axiomatically permissive, NOT compulsory, and merely serves the extant system that is controlled by your ENEMIES.

''Uh...NO/WE they didn't. NYUH UH'' doesn't cut it. Shit is like those POLICE bodycam videos where some lumpen shitbag is ON CAM boosting shit - then when confronted, automatically resorts to, ''Nyuh uh. I din do nuffin''.
Apr 1 8 tweets 3 min read
APRIL 2, 1992 - John Gotti is convicted on all counts listed on a 14 COUNT indictment, including conspiracy to commit murder and racketeering:Image
People grossly misunderstand this guy and what he was ABOUT.

Unlike MOST of his predecessors and contemporaries (SOME of whom wrote literal BOOKS snitching on themselves and forming PACs to combat, ''discrimination'') Dude NEVER gave a SINGLE interview to media.

The ONE statement he made to a reporter was when asked of he was , ''Boss of the Gambino crime family'', Gotti replied, ''I'm the boss of MY family - my WIFE and kids''.
Mar 30 5 tweets 2 min read
ADOLF HITLER - with the NSDAP Reichstag delegation (107 delegates); Sept., 1930.

Notable is ALL these guys (save the Fuhrer himself and a handful of others) are showing up IN SESSION in Sturmabteilung fit. This is a battalion of FRONTFIGHTERS and street fighting men - NOT a party delegation of the Weimar type.

This was VERY MUCH a revolutionary cadre still. This PHOTO speaks a THOUSAND WORDS as to WHY Hindenburg (and others) demanded the JUNE, 1934 PURGE happen:Image This photo too exemplifies the POINT that RHS STOFLI made in his bio of the Fuhrer (and that I TRY to convey in my own work product) - AH was a WAR HERO but he wasn't some military fetishist - he didn't LIKE wearing a uniform and AVOIDED doing so whenever possible.

He also wouldn't wear MEDALS or decorations - save for his Eisernes Kreuz 1st class and his NSDAP PARTY BADGE.

This isn't a middling observation/point. The idea AH was some ''GERMAN nationalist'' or Prussian type ''MILITARIST'' (as court history claims) is asinine - he was (literally) an eccentric ARTIST type, who ended up in UNIFORM owing to ALL fighting age men being swept up in the mass current of the EPOCH in 1914. It just so happened he was VERY VERY GOOD at being a Landser.
Mar 27 7 tweets 2 min read
Sen Joe LIEBERPERSON apparently has DIED. All I really remember of LIEBERPERSON is that he was this sad sack MFer - kinda like EEOR the MULE. He'd follow around OWL GORE - who had taken to wearing pancake makeup to compliment his LISP on the 2000 campaign trail. His MONEY SHOT being to try and SUE his way in to the WH. Fuckkn meat puppet.

What a fuckkn LOSER tag team THAT WAS.
Mar 27 6 tweets 2 min read
RECORDING is MARCH 31, 1975 - but I BELIEVE the photo was snapped on the MARCH 27, 1975 show - VEGAS HILTON: Image THAT was a PROMO shot/flyer for ELVIS' 1975 performance season - I LOVE that shot. Image
Mar 27 4 tweets 2 min read
That's DJ DONALD T'S BIBLE - the VERSION he's shilling I mean: Image Its the KJV - which is DOPE. King James is the ONLY Bible IMO - and like B-LIST celebs in the 1980s were about American Express, I NEVER LEAVE HOME WITHOUT that shit.

I don't like CEASAR'S flag on the cover (*SPOILER ALERT* Christ has something to say on this very question).

I also can't recall for CERTAIN - but I think this LEE GREENWOOD fool is that dude wrote that AWFUL, WALMART anthem that goes, ''Least I know I'm FWEE!'' Fuckkn garbage.

Gimme ELVIS or the Man in Black (esp if we're on a GOSPEL tip). NOT some subnormal, REAGAN era dickkface who made a career shilling for Regime bullshit.

All I got.
Mar 14 5 tweets 2 min read
This movie is fuckkn BRILLIANT - I'll accept NO claims to the contrary. I've not watched it in prob 30 years - shit is one of prob THREE films can make me actually LAUGH aloud. ONLY ''buddy cop'' film ever done right - EVERY one subsequent is a weak ass imitation. Image When WALTER HILL was ''on'' he was flawless. The character 'TYPES' of Nick Nolte and Eddie Murphy don't exist in America anymore. Obvious alcoholic, openly ''RACIST'' POLICE type dude - and Eddie Murphy's type of JIVE ass Black guy were REAL ''types'' in big city America. This is WHY shit is so funny.

Perfect blend of GRITTY violence and legit FUNNY - almost slapstick - stuff.

CHI TOWN circa 1982 or so was FULL of fools just like this. BRILLIANT cast too - including YOUNG(ISH) Johnathan Banks (''Mike Ehrmentraudt" - BREAKING BAD).
Mar 11 5 tweets 3 min read
THIS is legit FASCINATING - if you're a fan of David Patrick Kelly, of Walter Hill, of GANG LORE, of The Warriors, of HIGH (and LOW) FASHION or ALL OF THE ABOVE 😃⚡️⚡️:
KEY takeaways - NUDIE COHN (the designer who designed and tailored ELVIS' stagewear) worked closely with a lady from the UK. SHE designed the Warriors cuts:Image
Mar 11 6 tweets 3 min read
FILMS for FROGS - EXTERMINATOR 2 (1984):Image Those who KNOW my content (esp those of the Fellas who have kept up with our FILM/CULT MOVIE content KNOW that I am seriously QU33R for this movie's GEAR. Its AWSUM - if you got a JONES for the uncut POISON that is (or WAS rather - they've been defunct for decades) the CANNON CARTEL'S CANON (SEE that, Son?) you can NOT go wrong with the PURE PRODUCT that is EXTERMINATOR 2.
Mar 10 4 tweets 1 min read
@isleofpuffin hosts SPACES with legit FASCINATING titles 🤔 - he's also a fellow BIRB partisan. I must begin LISTENING to these SPACES. I'm a SLOW APAPTING old person - I'm hip to fact that there's action up in these SPACES. People been riding my ass to DO more of them and LISTEN to the Fellas who host them. I'ma begin DOING SO, I promise.
Feb 24 6 tweets 2 min read
DREAM DIARY - 2/24/2024:
I am at some sort of COLLEGIATE/FRATERNTIY party with two kids I knew in High School - kid named ''COLIN'' and a kid named ''DANNY''. I've not seen either of these guys since I was 17. In my DREAM I am 47 - but they are just as I remember them. COLIN and DANNY are playing a video game on what looks like a MOTHERBOARD - but it projects 3D sprites onto a playing grid. The game appears to be something like GRIDIRON FOOTBALL - but the players are horribly deformed. Mutated. They have no SKIN - and they have fish-like GILLS. Some of them have no eyes, others have massive teeth that protrude thru their lips. They're frighteningly mesomorphic - musculature on top of musculature. But its exposed - WET.
Nov 24, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
NOVEMBER 25, 1177 - BALDWIN IV (The 16 year old 'LEPER KING' of JERUSALEM) and CRUSADER and renowned mercenary RAYNALD of Châtillon defeated and routed Saladin's SARACEN army, despite being massively outnumbered. SALADIN was so soundly defeated - and the SARACENS under his command so shaken that NEITHER recovered until the catastrophic defeat of TEMPLAR led forces at HATTIN in 1187.
Oct 6, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
OCTOBER 6, 1973 - The RAMADAN WAR pits EGYPT and SYRIA against IDF, strategic objective being to ROLLBACK Zionist expansion in the critical staging point of the GOLAN HEIGHTS as well as SINAI:
Initial SUCCESSES by the SYRIAN ARAB ARMY are REVERSED after several days of HEAVY combat. IDF concomitantly begins closing in on CAIRO and deployment pattern indicates an intention to ANNIHILATE the (now surrounded) EGYPTIAN ARMY -
Mar 26, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
MARCH 26, 2000 - Vladmir PUTIN is elected PRESIDENT of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION by 53% of the VOTE, defeating COMMUNIST PARTY candidate Gennady Zyuganov and LIBERAL economist (and author of the '500 DAYS PLAN' for SHOCK transition to a FREE MARKET economy) Grigory Yavlinsky - Upon taking OATH of OFFICE, Putin presides over a FAILED STATE, wherein 48.1% of people live BELOW the poverty line and the NATIONAL wealth is being LOOTED by organized crime factions backed and fully supported by the US and UK -
Mar 25, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
I dunno how to 'SPLAIN this w/out comin off BROKE. But you YOUNGSTAS who don't seem understand that UN COO,COMMIE garbage like NIRVANA, LIKE the BEATLES was and is a DELIBERATE weapon-antithesis deployed to KILL ROCK N ROLL. Not for nothin - but HOW you can find "MALE FEMINISM", whiny SOCIAL JUSTICE herbs, MAOIST apologia to be DOPE but find REAL REBEL shit, FINE females, FANTASTIC STYLE and DGAF fearlessness to be LAME is literally INSANE to me.