Recent well liked threads

Mar 24
Things I’ve Learned
What I wish I knew at 18…

1. College is mostly a scam

I’m glad I went to college, because I wanted to work on Wall Street. But today, I wouldn’t waste $300,000 on it, and I wouldn’t want to work in banking. Instead, I’d load up on college credits during high school, go to a school like the University of Texas to have fun, graduate in 3 years debt-free, and travel around the world for a year.
2. Spend time with your parents

You probably have less than 200 Saturdays left with your parents before they die. And then you become an orphan.
3. Don’t wait for the perfect pitch

Real life is not baseball. There’s no free trip to first base, and you’re not limited to three strikes. Just keep swinging, and your “luck” will improve.
Read 25 tweets
May 1
"Control Your Ego" by Bian Altruis.
A Thread. Image
Ketika kita memiliki ambisi yang besar, tapi ego dan superego kita tidak seimbang, maka kita pula yang akan hancur.
"Jika ada yang menyatakan cinta tetapi menuntut, mungkin rasa cintanya sudah berubah, yaitu rasa ingin memiliki dan menguasai."
Read 9 tweets
May 3
OK - now #TrumpTrial with prosecution's tech expert Daus still on cross - he's introduced audio of Trump & Cohen, and Cohen & Keith Davidson, subject of next booklet (Pecker audio/book here:
Inner City Press will live tweet, thread
Trump has arrived - blue suit, blue tie - and is talking to his lawyer Emil Bove to his right in the lead counsel / cross examination seat. Blanche crosses aisle to confer with prosecution. Drum roll.
All rise!
Clerk: This is the People of the State of New York versus Donald J. Trump.
Justice Merchan: Before we put the witness on the stand, I want to clarify to Mr. Trump that you have an absolute right to testify at trial.
Read 77 tweets
May 3
The Northern Crusades.

A collection of military campaigns in the Baltic region of Europe to convert the pagan people there to Christianity by Catholic military orders, primarily the Teutonic Order.

Here is the story of these campaigns and the bloodshed and zeal behind them 🧵 Image
The Northern Crusades began officially in 1195 with the call by Pope Celestine III.

Christian monarchs throughout Europe sought the Christianization of land that included modern day Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Russia. Image
Knights throughout Europe, primarily the Teutonic Order were sent to these northern lands to convert pagan Baltic, Finnic and West Slavic people to Christianity as well as Orthodox Christian East Slavs. Image
Read 26 tweets
May 3
If you learn how to spot insiders, you can make millions!

Time: 10 mins
Profit: 100x in 2024

Insiders won't like this, but I'm sharing it anyway (but I'll delete it soon) 👇 Image
Before we jump in, could I ask for a favor?

I've dedicated a ton of time to writing this thread and truly value any interaction with this thread!

Please bookmark, reply, or hit that like button if you can 👆
Insiders always have the juicy details kept hidden from the public.

While we can't peek into their info, we can follow their on-chain moves to profit alongside them.

To do this effectively, you'll need the right tools in hand 🔽 Image
Read 12 tweets
May 3
(1/13) When we roll our eyes at MAGA, I think we're often asking the wrong question. Instead of asking: "How can they believe this nonsense," or "how can they follow and support the worst human being ever," I think we should ignore what they say they believe, and even put Trump aside long enough to instead ask: "What IS it about being in MAGA that endears them to it, and makes them so willing to suppress reasoned thought?"
2- Put aside judgmentalism for a minute. There are a lot of answers to the question of what they get out of being part of MAGA. First and foremost is "the need to belong." They can share and do stuff together - it's a brotherhood of purpose. Second is "the need to believe." Some people are wired to believe things, like the "faith" part of religion. AND - let's face it - it's easier to "believe," than to think.
3 - We're often asked if MAGA is a cult. The short answer: YES, it is. A cult is defined by an unusual, unwavering interest or belief in a particular personality or goal, where devotion transcends reasoned thought. When you make a habit of transcending reasoned thought, you can more readily transcend science ... or math ... or facts.
Read 13 tweets
May 4
🔥Breaking! The shadow govt is Obama and his foundation. Let’s take this Marxist a-hole down!

This is part 10 of the Open Government Partnership and Open Government Hub exposé.

What do you do when you have an ex president working globally thru the Open Government Partnership? Along with Norm Eisen, his previous butt buddy. You know the one writing up all the Trump charges for the prosecutors to utilize?

And Obama, who also likes to hangout with the founder of Serbian Otpor? You know what the CIA likes to use for regime change?

Sound pretty seditious to me.

Didn’t you think it was odd that Obama’s Foundation Global Network lead hung out with Serbian Otpor folks? What about the hope and change savior himself? What does this make Obummer? Because Obummer personally hung out with a founder of the Serbian Otpor. Boom!

Norm Eisen is a huge part of the Open Government Partnership. Just ask him personally. Ha! (See photo)

“From 2007 to 2009, Eisen was active in the presidential campaign of his law school classmate Barack Obama before joining the transition team of then-President-elect Obama as deputy counsel.”

“January 20, 2009, Obama named him (Eisen) special counsel for ethics and government reform in the White House.”

Well, let’s start with the Otpor trainers themself, Rhize … This group was started by an Obama field organizer.

Not enough for you yet? Ok..

Obama hung out personally with a founder of Serbian otpor.

You know, the Serbian Optor used to run a coup upon Trump? And admitted thru the resistance manual? The one that included Obama’s indivisible as a main perpetrator?

None of this seems coincidental? Just like Obummers side visit to Downing Street for to a foundation visit? Where the Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Open Government Partnership of the Open Government Partnership used to work?

Oh and Obummer loved the Ukraine, and personally interacted with them. You know where the orange revolution was ran by Soros?

Here’s your fricking coup, and it’s not Trump!Image
Ok let’s get going with the sourcing here before I fall back asleep. 😹

The Serbian Optor trainers org, Rhize, was started by a former Obama field organizer called Erin.

“Within the last few years my former field organizer friend Erin started Rhize, Alex started Landed, Sally started The Nexus Fund, and Will started Groundswell.Eric Lesser and Michael Blake, among many, ran for public office (and won), and thousands joined efforts to pass ACA and fight for immigration reform.”
Obummer was here and so was a founder of Serbian Otpor. 👇🏻 What kind of ex president hangs with a specialist in CIA regime change? Especially since the Trump resistance uses Otpor? Eh?

So Ben Rhodes knows Obama hangs with an Otpor founder?

“We already are in a halftime of our Obama Foundation Leaders program AND the celebration was more than extraordinary. Barack Obama! himself joined us for the session.”

“Throughout the program we have already had an opportunity to meet and talk to so many exceptional leaders, including Obama´s political advisor and speechwriter Ben Rhodes (check his podcast Pod Save the World), writer of “Power for All” Julie Battilana, longest serving environment journalist Geoffrey Lean, EU Vice-President @Věra Jourová, founder of the Otpor movement in Serbia Srda Popovic, former Obama Foundation CEO David Simas and many others. And many others to come.”
Read 11 tweets
May 4
Besides being found in 6 different mammals so far in 13 different U.S states, what concerns me more is the casual mention of the presence of the E627K mutation. It allows faster viral replication in mammalian cells at the upper respiratory tract and is well-known to scientists.
The presence of this and other concerning mutation in cattle was also recently reported here:…
If mutations that allow the virus to replicate faster in the upper respiratory tract continue to occur, we will have a pandemic of a respiratory virus via the food chain at a level we never experienced before. Image
Read 3 tweets
May 4
Halb Russland säuft ab, Putin lächelt
Liste der Regionen

Für Russland sind die Überschwemmungen ein riesen Problem, nicht nur die enormen Schäden, sondern auch die Kassen sind leer.
Das Geld wird für den Krieg gebraucht.

Hat das Hochwasser Auswirkungen auf den Krieg: Ja
„Ist es Putin egal“:
Nein, denn wer das behauptet hat keine Vorstellung was dort passiert und beteiligt sich an der russischen Propaganda.
Es gibt ja einen Grund, warum es kaum Bildmaterial aus den überfluteten Gebieten, nachdem das Wasser abgelaufen ist, gibt.

By the way:
Putin hat sich zu Wort gemeldet.
-in Orenburg wurde 400.000 Anträge auf Fluthilfe gestellt, aber nur 46.000 bewilligt,
-in Kurgan 15.000 nur 1.500 bewilligt

Putin, ganz staatsmännisch, will eine Untersuchungskommission einberufen, um zu klären:
Warum nur 10% der Anträge bewilligt wurden?
Die Antwort kann so einfach sein:
Die Kassen sind leer! Weil Putin die Kassen für den Krieg plündert.
Die Untersuchungskommission dient nur zur Vertuschung und um Zeit zu gewinnen.

Die Kosten in Orenburg allein werden auf 24-40 Milliarden Rubel geschätzt, wenn man die lange Liste unten betrachtet, dann ist das nur die Spitze eines Eisbergs.

Warum betrifft die Flut den Krieg in der Ukraine?
1. In den betroffenen Gebieten gibt es Rüstungsindustrie und Zulieferer.
2. Das eine Raffinerie abgeschaltet wurde ist bekannt, ob sie wieder angefahren werden konnte, nicht.
3. Schäden an der Infrastruktur, Bahndämme, Brücken, Straßen sind nur ganz wenig sind bildlich dokumentiert.
Infrastruktur ist ein sensibles Thema, denn ohne Transportwege kommen auch keine Rüstungsgüter aus der Region an die Front.
Insbesondere weil China der Lieferant für Russland ist.

Es besteht eine Nachrichtensperre über das was in den Flutgebieten passiert ist, stattdessen wird über ein Pferd berichtet, das auf dem Balkon im 2. Stock eines Hauses das Hochwasser überlebt hat.

Tier Stories ziehen immer und lenken ab.

In den folgenden Posts
Berichte über Infrastruktur
Entschädigungssummen etc.

Liste Regionen, Rpubliken, Orte
Eine unvollständige Liste der Regionen die betroffen waren, sind oder noch werden. Zum Teil mit Angaben von Orten, wo die Bevölkerung evakuiert wurde oder wird. Letztendlich nur Gebiete und Orte, wo es Angaben auf russischen Seiten gibt oder gab.

Kurgan und Region
Maly Zapoloy

Tomsk und Region

Tjumen und Region
Malye Yarki
Bolshiye Yarki

Orenburg und Region

Tscheljabinsk und Region

Region Wolgograd
Autonome Kreis Tschukotka

Region Nowgorod

Repubik Karelien

D. Ogorelyshi

Region Wologda
Nischni Tschir

Region Leningrad

Region Twer

Region Wladimir


Weitere Regionen

Die Republiken

Beispiel Orenburg Zahlungen der Kommunen
Zusätzlich gibt es Hilfen aus Moskau ca. 250 €

Eine Person hat Anspruch auf 36 qm. m, für zwei - 42 qm. m, für drei - 54 qm. m. Und ein Quadratmeter wird auf 687 € geschätzt. Es stellt sich heraus, dass die Entschädigung weniger als 29.000 € beträgt, wenn zwei Personen in einem Haus leben.

einmalige finanzielle Unterstützung 100 € pro Person;finanzielle Unterstützung im Zusammenhang mit dem Verlust lebenswichtigen
Eigentum Mietwohnung
teilweise verlorenes Eigentum 500 € pro Person,
vollständig verlorenes Eigentum 1.000 Rubel pro Person;
einmaliger Zahlung für Angehörige des Verstorbenen 10.000 € einmalige Zahlung für die Opfer:
2.000 € für leichte Gesundheitsschäden,
4.000 € für schwere oder mittelschwere Schäden.

Die Summen sind zwar klein aber in Orenburg gibt es 400.000 Anträge.
Am Ende werden es nicht nur hunderttausende sondern Millionen von Betroffenen und die Anträge erreichen dann schnell den Milliarden Bereich.

Hier geht es nur um persönliche Schäden von Betroffene der Flut.
Nicht enthalten sind:
Schäden an der Infrastruktur, Betriebe, Landwirtschaft, Industrie, Mietshäuser und der Umwelt(Öl, Uran, Chemikalien)
Mit Tiergeschichten von den Problemen ablenken

Wir haben viel über verlassene und ertrunkene Tiere während der Überschwemmung in der Region Orenburg geschrieben, aber es gibt auch andere Beispiele.
Im Video ist ein Hengst zu sehen, der die Flut im zweiten Stock überlebt hat. Als der Stall überschwemmt war, beschlossen die Besitzer, ihn ins Haus zu bringen.
Zuerst im ersten Stock, dann im zweiten, wohnte er eine Woche lang auf dem Balkon, doch als das Wasser zurückging, konnte er die schmale Treppe nicht hinuntergehen und musste mit einem Kran abgeladen werden.

*In der Region Orenburg geht das Wasser weg, aber in der Region Tjumen kommt es – dort hat die Evakuierung begonnen.…
Read 7 tweets
May 4
In 2022, short on electrical grid inertia and long on renewable power, Ireland installed the world's largest flywheel, 130 spinning tons.

Why did we do something so preposterous?

And are there other, better storage technologies? Let's find out.

It's the grid storage thread! Image
In this thread we'll cover all the major storage techniques and what they're good for. Be warned: There is NO perfect method.

Before we get started, the difference between power & energy:

Power (MW): How much oomph/ what can you power with this.
Energy (MWh): Power x time. Image
The classical use case is load shifting: Storing electricity in low demand periods and supplying it back in high demand periods: Hours, days or weeks later. These require high energy capacity, crucial for renewable-dominated grids.

Shown: Turlough Hill pumped hydro, Ireland. Image
Read 27 tweets
May 4
Some say the SBC isn't woke & there's nothing to be alarmed about. Don't be so sure.

Paul said "a little leaven leavens the lump."

The broader SBC may not be full-blown woke, but some places are.

A friend recently shared notes from a SEND Philly training.

See for yourself🧵
My friend attended a training who's purpose was "to assist planters, pastors, ministry leaders and lay persons with a heart to serve those within the urban context."
The "urban context" is defined according to progressive priorities using leftist buzzwords.

Page 8 describes "marginalized" people as "the other."
They are subject to:
* Systemic racism
* System disparity
* Modern day slavery and
* Environmental oppression Image
Read 9 tweets
May 4
🧵 How Civilizations Fall

Recently I had the pleasure of reading The Law of Civilization and Decline, by American historian, Brooks Adams.Image
Brooks Adams had a distinguished lineage: great-grandson of Pres John Adams, grandson of Pres John Quincy Adams, and son of diplomat & author, Charles Francis Adams. Educated at Harvard, Brooks became secretary to his diplomat father and wrote several books.

Brooks Adams was concerned with the process by which societies rise and fall. His work preceded that of Spengler in seeing how Money became a power in its own right, which subverts government and lays the foundation for collapse.
Read 23 tweets
May 4
Before I address the evidence-tampering filing posted by Special Counsel Jack Smith last night, let's turn to the motion that forced Smith to admit what happened--one filed by Walt Nauta's attorney on May 1.

Remember the photo of "classified docs" strewn on the floor with scary looking cover sheets to depict the classification level of various papers?

It appears those cover sheets, or slip sheets, were produced and used by the FBI after the raid.

The cover sheets do not represent the format in which the records were found--an intentional misrepresentation in the court docket for special master lawsuit and by the media.

Here is how Nauta's attorney described what we now know is the FBI's use of "slip sheets" to replace alleged classified papers.

Look familiar?Image
This is how DOJ in August 2022 described the files in
a filing to Judge Cannon with accompanying photo that went viral to make it appear that this was the original form of the documents seized by FBI.

This does not appear to be the truth--at all. It instead appears that the red, yellow, and blue cover sheets were "slip sheets" the FBI used to replace alleged classified files.Image
Jack Smith finally admitted yesterday the FBI used those sheets as placeholders (I mean, you can't really say "props" to help stage a "stunt") in his filing last night.

Then laughably claimed FBI found so many classified records they ran out of stunt covers/slip sheets.Image
Read 5 tweets
May 4
Justice Dept seeks a *140 months* prison in Capitol riot case of Leo Bozell, son of a prominent conservative media activist

That'd be one of the longest prison sentences issued in any Jan 6 case so far.. and the feds' argument is lengthy and striking

(MORE) Image
Justice Dept argues Bozell's case qualifies for a terrorism enhancement at sentencing, which swells the potential sentencing guidelines…
Prosecutors argue Bozell overran police lines, smashed open a Senate window and "After brazenly facilitating the mob’s access to the building, Bozell was in the 1st group of the rioters to enter the Capitol. He joined others in a menacing pursuit of.. (Officer) up a staircase" Image
Read 12 tweets
May 4
Now turning to perhaps the most problematic issue for Jack Smith and Jay Bratt, his lead prosecutor.

This is from court transcript of April 12 hearing. Cannon (who probably already knew the real answer) asked Bratt about the condition of the seized boxes.

This is not true: Image
Jack Smith confessed as much in yesterday's filing. He would not have but for Nauta's attorney busting DOJ for tampering with evidence.

Defense building evidence to support motion to dismiss on prosecutorial misconduct--which is pending before Cannon. Image
This is even more stunning by Smith.

Setting aside the FBI high-tailed it out of southern FLA to conduct the investigation within the confines of the corrupt Washington FBI field office, Smith admits DOJ cannot be sure every place holder corresponds with the correct document.Image
Read 4 tweets
May 4
This is Grauman's Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood, built in the 1920s.

Why so grand? Because Hollywood was making 800 films per year and 75% of the American population went to the movies weekly.

What were they watching? Well, 1920s cinema was much stranger than you realise... Image
Movies had been around since the late 1880s, first as short reels and then as increasingly impressive feature films in the 1910s.

Like Cabiria, an Italian film from 1914, which is sometimes called the first historical epic, with thousands of extras and colossal sets. Image
But Europe was devastated by WWI and film production essentially ceased.

That gave America a chance to catch up.

By the close of the 1920s about 800 films were being produced every year in Hollywood and weekly cinema attendance was 90 million — American movies were on top. Image
Read 25 tweets
May 4
A few points about the H5N1 outbreak that I'd like to share.

1. If we had a pan-influenza wastewater screen in place nationally that differentiates the influenza sources by sequencing (which isn't that hard to do), we probably would have detected this outbreak months ago.
BTW, we submitted a CDC proposal earlier this year to do exactly this, but the topic was pulled from the BAA so the proposal wasn't even reviewed.
2. We should not panic about the current outbreak in cattle. You aren't going to get influenza from pasteurized milk, and this virus isn't ready for human-to-human spread (yet).
Read 9 tweets
May 4

In 20 tweets I’ll summarize 20 of the most useful principles I know.

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes.

Value: A lifetime.

1. Dopamine Culture:
“Every kind of organized distraction tends to become more and more imbecile.”
— Aldous Huxley

The delay between desire & gratification is shrinking. Pleasure is increasingly more instant & effortless. Everything is becoming a drug.

What will it do to us?
2. False Consensus Effect:
“Everyone driving slower than you is an idiot and everyone driving faster than you is a maniac.”
— George Carlin

Our model of the world assumes people are like us. We don’t just do whatever we consider normal, we also consider normal whatever we do.
Read 22 tweets
May 4
I am a Jew. This week, a trustee of @dartmouth, the college at which I've taught 14 years, @GovChrisSununu, declared a protest there "100% antisemitic." A protest in which Jewish students, faculty, & staff took part. Sununu's statement isn't just wrong--it's antisemitic. 1/
Christian "Zionists" & others who weaponize antisemitism for their own political projects will say, "But there has been antisemitism at protests." YES. There has. I've heard it and seen it here, too. That's a problem. It's not the main one, & their "answer" makes it worse. 2/
The way some college administrations & politicians speak of "Jewish safety" is contemptuous of Jewish safety. It is not even about Jewish safety; it's the utilization of *some* Jews as cover for a political project that erases other Jews. 3/
Read 15 tweets