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Mar 17th 2023
Ever wonder what @0N1Force has been up to since the acquisition? πŸ‘Ύ

Quietly building obviously
and I've got the inside scoop on all the serious alpha

"there was much work to do to even begin building that rocket ship. But it's going to be an intergalactic space ship, not a rocket ship. πŸš€

Forget the moon, let's dream bigger, let's go explore the universe together." πŸ‘ΎπŸ›Έ
- quoted from starlordyftw
Working with @trueIMCMPLX , Starlordy has reviewing every trait and creating a family tree for 0N1

Past lore and discussing the future development of characters, brand visual guide, fashion guide, and potential future drops.

Just who is this guy? 🌹
Read 15 tweets

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