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Dec 13th 2020

Solar Eclipse December 14th, 2020 and its Effect

Are you feeling depressed, in a shallow mood, or witnessing any other signs mentioned below? If yes, then there is nothing wrong with you medically, you are under the planetary effect.

The solar eclipse on December 14th, 2020 will affect, with the following effects, all those who are Scorpions or are a trio of Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio with a connecting thread between them. The eclipse will mark a special marker of soul evolution and major transitions

with sidereal Scorpio 29°.
Some of you may feel these emotional changes:

❖ Disconnected
❖ More anxious to surroundings
❖ Disinterested in your work and other activities
❖ Tearful for nothing
❖ Don’t want to engage in conversation
❖ Sensitiveness towards the
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