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Jan 3rd 2019
Until congress, the media, & the public understand NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) we'll never be able to predict or deal with Trump.

Some of the best info on narcissism doesn't come doctors, but from the children of narcissists.
I think you'll be surprised...
1."Having a narcissistic mother is like living under the supervision of a 6 yr-old. Narcissists are always'll be expected to act like a object...something that can be broken but not hurt...forgotten when something more interesting comes along."
2. Here is NPD according to those who know them best...their kids,
(What I am posting here is a synopsis from the writings of Johanna Ashmun (1998) from here:…
and Danu Morrigan (2012)…
Both were daughters of mothers with NPD
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