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Jul 29th 2021
Old-fashioned video watching thread: Starts on west walkway just after initial barrier breach, behind #ColSandersPB (0:00). 3:20 #InfoWarsPB. 3:24 someone with #greentapegroup #seditioncoms. 3:33 #GreyStripeGaiterPB ImageImageImageImage
3:39 #fashproshop. 6:06 #EddieBlock. 6:33 no idea what is up with the orange dunce hat stick. 6:35 this guy with the #seditionkeffiyeh looks familiar but no idea why. ImageImageImageImage
6:42 green armband #greentapegroup? 7:13 #KnitFlagScarfPB possibly talking to a buddy (who?). 7:45 here is the face of the guy with the orange dunce cap on a stick. 9:23 #KnitFlagScarfPB's possible buddy has black "army" hoodie and "we the people" red hat. ImageImageImageImage
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