Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #AptosLaunch

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Oct 23rd 2022

• Aptos after it's Airdop campaign has been seeing massive volume in #AptosNFTs, social dominance and a spark for other Airdops across board,

But what about finding the next 100x Gem on $Aptos?

After reading this, you should be able to:

- Conduct research on $Aptos tokens.
- Profitability trade the $Aptos DeFi market.
- Understand the principles in guiding every new Chain, including knowing if one is worth staying on/investing in.

Let's dive in:
Aptos is a new Blockchain, so you did yourself a favor finding this thread early enough.

First of all, we're quite clear on the concept of using TVL to denote Ecosystems which Tokens would probably run, if you do not, refer to a past thread on mine:

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