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Khan is a Khan is a Khan.

Amir Khan, Junior Engineer of #BalasoreTrainAccident is missing since this accident. There were several Islamic fundamentalists attacks in Kerala alone in the last few days.

Tamilnadu police arrested advocate Senthil kumar from kanyakumari for saying
that he suspects a muslim as culprit for the accident and rightly so, today the house of junior engineer Amir Khan is sealed as he has been missing since then.

Remember he is the only man missing since then. Why would anyone run away when there are 100s of railway employees?!
Only the guilty will run away as he knows that he is indulging in sabotage/terror act and that will come to the knowledge of investigating agencies for sure.

Now comes the next question. Why would @arivalayam government hurry to arrest Advocate Senthilkumar when he was raising
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