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Sep 14th 2021
1/7 #SeaTurtleTalks #TurtleTuesday

Using a relational values lens to explore community participation in sea turtle conservation in Tanzania 🇹🇿

Hello! I’m a PhD student at @DICE_Kent. Today I’ll be tweeting about my research on the human dimensions of #SeaTurtle conservation.
2/7 #SeaTurtleTalks

Local communities have been leading #SeaTurtle conservation in 🇹🇿 since 2001.

20 yrs of monitoring at 🇹🇿 largest #GreenTurtle rookery shows:
⬆️ nest numbers inc by 40% 📈👏
⬇️ harvesting of eggs dec by 88% 📉👏
⬆️ hatchling production inc by 60% 📈👏
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But 🐢 conservation in 🇹🇿 generates limited 💰 for people + opportunity cost of forgoing access to turtle eggs & meat

So why conserve 🐢?
We used a #RelationalValues (RV) lens to explore stewardship motivations & experiences of conservation participation
Read 7 tweets

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