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Jun 21st 2020
Was it Quatr0chhi who had planted Ant0nia M@ino in London for Rajeev Gh@ndy?

What was M@ino doing in USA for 3 years after the college in UK ?

No official records are available !

Was she being trained by the CIA ?

So many black sheep.. and yet ppl are obsessed with C0Ngress!
Quattr0cchi was an It@lian businessman who was being sought in India for cr!minal charges for acting as a condu!t for br!bes in the B0f0rs sc@ndal.He was relieved of the sc@ndal bfr his death by cardiac arrest in 2013.Irony is,from Shastri to Quattr0chhi all died of heart attack.
Qautrr0chhi was arrested in Argentine after Interpol had issued a red corner notice around 2007. As there was no extradition treaty between India and Argentina, the case was presented in the Argentine Supreme Court.
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