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May 13th 2023

"Utilization of biochar as a cementitious material aids in CO2 sequestration by impeding the release of C in the atm. So, a recent study reviewed the prospect of #biochar as a #cementitious material by evaluating its physical, mechanical & durability properties."🧵 ImageImage
This research suggested that "the physical properties of #biochar promote its use as an environmental control device."
A summary of the preparation and characterization of biochar is presented in a Fig. ⬇️
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According to the study, #pozzolan is a siliceous & aluminous material
that chemically reacts with Ca(OH)2 at room temp to form compounds having #cementitious attributes. So, some of the silica-rich biochars, like the ones derived from #RiceHusk have pozzolanic properties."
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