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May 4th 2019
"We discovered in the report that Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.), who is supposed to be leading the investigation in the Senate, was a back channel for the W.H the whole time. Where has that news gone? Why aren’t Capitol Hill reporters asking about it?"…
2) Y👁RT'd👇

"It also lays out how eager the Trump campaign was to use the stolen material to its political advantage, even after the DHS and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence issued a joint public statement on Oct. 7, 2016"
3) This is why I'm still Retweeting this👇

"Russiagate Is Far Wider Than Trump & his Inner Circle
It isn’t just the story of a few corrupt officials, or even a corrupt president. It’s the story of a corrupt Republican Party"
By David Klion 7/17/18…
Read 7 tweets

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