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May 20th 2019
This #DementiaActionWeek, we're hosting #AskUsAnything takeovers with people affected by dementia, to make sure their voices are heard.

Say hello to Emily. She lives in Belfast with husband Jim, who was diagnosed with dementia in 2014. They have 2 daughters and 3 grandsons. Emily, a carer for her husband Jim who was diagnosed with dementia in 2014.
Emily is an avid fundraiser and volunteer for Alzheimer's Society. Both her and Jim regularly attend Singing for the Brain sessions and memory cafes.

In her spare time, Emily enjoys crafting (even if she says she's not very good!) and reading. #AskUsAnything #DAW2019
Emily will be answering questions between 3-4pm today. If you've got something to ask, let us know by replying or using the hashtag #AskUsAnything.

Whether you want to find out more about her life as a carer for someone with dementia or about herself, we want to hear from you.
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