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Dec 18th 2019
This is Mary from Norway (1914-2002), the first patient described with “proaccelerin” (Factor V) deficiency. Since FXIII is the highest numbered coagulation factor (though there are more!) #HematologyTweetstory #13 is a (selective) tour of coag. factor names. Image: Stormorken./1
Paul Arnor Owren (1905-1990) in Oslo evaluated Mary in 1943 for menorrhagia. She’d been almost blind since age 3 after an episode of epistaxis/syncope (?retinal hypoxia). Owren called her condition “parahemophilia” since surprisingly it manifest in a female w/ healthy brothers./2
Classical hemophilia had been recognized since ancient times. In the 12th century CE, for example, Maimonides wrote that circumcision should be avoided in boys if two of their brothers died due to hemorrhage- even if they were from different fathers (prescient, given X-linkage)/3
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