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Jul 27th 2020
What a f#ed up week. Well year. Well, two years. It all stareted when the corrupt Village Council was making secret plans to sell my house out from under me - wothout public notice and DJ Doody feeling me the sunshine law didn’t cover his having to answer as to why as our city
Attorney he was billing us for meeting with developers. It violated our charter. Well - little did I know.

I found out they skipped the election and reappointed themselves to cover their lies. I called the Broward OIG. How naively I stepped into that cesspool of crap and lies.
By October 2018 - based solely on lies told by the very people I correctly turned in for election fraud - and now disgraced BSO detective Luis Silberberg who was arrested two weeks ago for - lying - I was jumped by the swat team taking out the garbage.
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