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Jan 4th 2023
Spent a productive few hours or so helping to make all the sandwiches for HCT's Children's Packed Lunches. I had great fun assisting the amazing HCT Team. We served 1️⃣1️⃣3️⃣ packed lunches to local school children from #Hadfield, #Padfield & #Tintwistle this afternoon. The...1/9 Image
lunch packs generally consisted of a sandwich (cheese, ham or chicken), a piece of fruit (apple, banana or orange), a packet of crisps, a carmel millionaire slice, a yoghurt and a drink (apple juice, orange juice or water) to wash it all down with. We also gave free arts...2/9
& crafts and a variety of other toys to every child who attended today's session. We even had our very own pizza station where local youngsters could make their own pizza out of the following ingredients: chicken, cheese, ham, mushrooms, onions, pepperoni, peppers,...3/9
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