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Jul 30th 2022
Judge’s 200th homer came in his 671st career game, behind just Philadelphia's Ryan Howard, who achieved the feat in 2009 in 658 games.

Interestingly, both of these guys came up as old.

Howard hit 2 HR as a rookie when he was 24.
Judge hit 4 HR as a rookie when he was 24.
Judge hit 52 the next year, setting the true rookie record. Ryan hit 58 in his 3rd year. Ryan holds the record for fastest to 100 and 200 HRs.

If you understand baseball, if you understand how athletes age, it is easy to see why Cashman is reluctant here.
a ten-year deal for a soon-to-be 30-year-old player is a terrible baseball business decision. For a 6' 7" giant who weighs 270-plus pounds, well, the historical comps are simply awful.

The odds that this is the absolute pinnacle of Judge's career are 3-1, at worst.
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