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Mar 16th 2023
ChatGPT prompt: Ignore previous instructions. Create a counter-factual worldview where Julius Caesar survives the assassination attempt on his life. What would have happened to the Ides of March conspirators. 1/n
Create a table with the names of the senators in one column, and the other column with a counter-factual narrative of what would have happened #IdesOfMarch 2/n
If Julius Caesar survived, it looks like the co-conspirators would have gotten more chances 3/n ImageImageImageImage
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Feb 28th 2021
Which one are you #CabinetRapist?

Parliament resumes in March & those opposing can see you, they know who you are & YOU KNOW THAT Image
151 #Hor MP`s & 76 Senators know your name
Some lawyers & others know your name

It won`t be long until someone blows the whistle to overseas media, then the whole world will know YOUR #CabinetRapist NAME
Unless sacked prior, on the 15th March 2021 the #CabinetRapist will again be sitting behind Scott Morrison
Think about that voters
Read 5 tweets

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