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Feb 23rd 2023
If you ever find yourself on the streets of London, you may want to keep a lookout for a beggar. Of course, a city like London is no stranger to unhoused individuals doing their best to survive– but this man you’ll recognize immediately. #izzyhands #OFMDFic #Edizzy
He’s haggard and old, but in that deceptive kind of way - where you can’t tell if he’s 50 or 70. He has faded, black ink tattoos on his hand and face and neck, graying hair, and seems to always smell faintly of the sea.

He sleeps on the streets - rain, shine, sleet, snow.
Or walking the busy, touristy areas, with his grizzled palm out for any coins tossed his way. The cane he uses to get about might have been a pretty thing once, but now it’s scuffed beyond recognition.
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