Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #JaeJiAU

Most recents (1)

May 24th 2020

Secret, Hush, Quiet, Silent, Shut Up, Manahimik, Wag Umimik, Wag Maingay, Walang Kalatis, Hipos, Agtalna Ka, Hilum.

"If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself" - George Orwell

A Short AU

Genre: Comedy + Romance
Main Characters: Jinyoung x Jisoo x Jaebeom
Visual Trigger: Image

- This AU is purely fictional
- Any resemblance to others is purely coincidental
- Pics are not mine. Credits all to the owners
- TagLish
- Socmed + Naarration
- RT/QRT of your reaction is highly appreciated
- Timestamp doesn't matter unless stated

Read 65 tweets

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