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Mar 14th 2019
Also, while I’m here, I’m no longer a big account as I used to be, but I’d like to address this since this account still has followers.
Korea has been attempting to cover this scandal below using the Burning sun incident. Please take some time to read this ESPECIALLY ladies.
Yes, Burning Sun scandal is absolutely horrendous and disgusting but this one is on another level of dark, and these high end politicians, news outlets, ceos, and people who are way more high up in the hierarchy than celebrities are involved. Please take a read&sign the petition.
Here’s how dark it is: Chosun Ilbo/TV chairman who is confirmed to be affiliated in Jang Jayeon’s death also has rumors that he killed his own wife , although on the news it says “suicide”

Watch this of him&his son carrying a weapon to his wife’s place.
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