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Aug 17th 2022
#JASH Engineering : Key take aways from Q1FY23 Con-call
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1. As a policy they don't launch more than 2 products in 1 year (cautious)
2. A project is stuck/not moving in Singapore, MD himself going to meet client (skin in the game)

1/ Image
3. Play on Indigenisation of German tech ( Partner :Invent ) shall reduce cost significantly (Cost Leadership)
4. Rodney Hunt turnaround in process , wont buy global cos until they turnaround it completely (Focus)

5. Rodney Hunt (US ops) : currently 23 mn USD turnover , expected to reach 30 mn USD soon, peak capacity 70 mn uSD in 2008 (Operating Leverage)

6. BMC awarded 7 big orders ~30,000 cr water projects to 7 of its clients,
~expected business for co:Rs 300 cr (Opportunity)

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