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Megathread clearing Milady/Charlotte/Miya/Remilia's name

A week has passed and the cancel has still failed to:
- produce a single victim
- address exonerating testimonies from "victims" they found
- address criticism of their hearsay "evidence"
- disclose vested interests

This thread will conclusively collect all the evidence that this smear campaign has been coordinated in bad faith. Leaders of the cancel have been blocking people trying to get them to address it @ryder_ripps, @0xngmi, @ratwell0x, @mewn21 while praying Milady goes to zero
First, they tried to paint Charlotte's hot pot gc as some kind of grooming den. Inconveniently, the "victims" they tried to identify have all spoken out clearly saying nothing shady has happened. They still use them for "evidence" while blocking anyone trying to share their voice
Read 39 tweets
1/ I spent the past hour or two googling about "Miya"

"Miya" may be this man named Rohit seen in the photos below.

Sources: [IG: hellokittyrazorb1adee] + 4chan + lolcow (…)
2/ Anon gives short backstory on "Miya" and the cult, claiming they'd groom girls into becoming anorexic and cut into their own bodies among other requirements.
3/ Found a tweet from October 2020 with #Kaliacc --someone claims you'd have to say a pledge to join the discord in the comments with a disturbing illustration
Read 5 tweets

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