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Mar 19th 2021
Dear @HumzaYousaf we have been pushed further & further towards the point at which legal assistance for the poor & marginalised will simply just disappear. The title Justice Minister is not just about prosecution but also defence- we need you to break your silence on #SLAB 1/12
You offered a £9M resilience fund, yet the vast majority of firms who suffered up to 50% cuts in income are told by SLAB they estimate their income will have gone up & refused any help, they could have looked at what was paid out instead of estimates plucked out of the sky🙈2/12
The biggest victims of failing legal aid will be the poor, children,homeless,addicts, care leavers, victims of sexual abuse –LA provides an indispensable foundation of support for society’s most vulnerable people,without which many will be placed at future risk of harm.3/12
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