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Sep 25th 2019
THREAD: This morning, WCS's Stacy Jupiter has been named a 2019 #MacFellow by @macfound.

Stacy is director of our Melanesia Regional Program in the Pacific with a focus on @wcsfiji, Solomon Islands and @WCSPNG.

We are thrilled for her. This is a well-deserved honor. Image
Stacy is a champion for the world's ocean.

"What makes Stacy a great scientist and conservationist is her understanding of the importance of integrating cultural practices and science to solve complex problems," says WCS's John Robinson.…
Stacy knows that broad-based local support of conservation efforts is critical to their success.

One way she gets that: she creates tailored materials to communicate with a range of stakeholders. Includes comic books and puppet shows to teach children about marine conservation. Image
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