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Aug 14th 2021
Afghanistan, no one has all the answers.
Yet as before other major Wars opportunities are missed⚠️

Dictatorships & networks of anti-western propagandists are opportunistically maximising cruel damage
Could we build a #SafetyNet together?
See draft (2015)
Cc @POTUS @BorisJohnson Image
2. With the will (and minimal support to explore) several new ground strategies making use of technology could help.

(Sickeningly, anti-western Fronts & useful idiots proclaiming to be women's rights advocates are also maximizing damage)
➡️The cruel Costs
3. Civilization vs Tyranny
From my extensive lifelong secondary interest in mechanisms of cruel barbarism
I'm aware catastrophic failures in countering subversion (forgotten lessons) played major roles in global instability and horrendous human suffering!
Read 31 tweets

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