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Mar 9th 2018
#WhenYouAreRahul your internationally reputed college will publicly confirm your MPhil Degree.

When you are #DufferModi your college will block RTI for your "Entire Political Science" degree, which no other student got 🤣
#WhenYouAreRahul you dont have to be afraid of press or audience, and can bravely handle any question without pre-screening.

When you are #MeekModi you will only talk to bootlicking sycophant journos through pre-screened questions.
#WhenYouAreRahul you will respect your opposition and their necessary role in a democracy.

When you are fascist megalomaniac like #DemonModi you will rant for an opposition mukt country & use CBI, media and other institutions against them in your lust to retain power.
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