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@nocloxt @SKYRIDER4538 @skaijackson @droq008 @GOPChairwoman @parscale @kayleighmcenany @DonaldJTrumpJr @KatTheHammer1 @LVNancy @SandraSentinel @steph93065 @LeahR77 @POTUS Long Thread:

Iโ€™m not a legal or political expert by any means. I might not use the correct terms, but I will tell you what I know & what I've learned working with the courts including successfully petitioning the California Supreme Court as a Pro Per litigant.

@nocloxt @SKYRIDER4538 @skaijackson @droq008 @GOPChairwoman @parscale @kayleighmcenany @DonaldJTrumpJr @KatTheHammer1 @LVNancy @SandraSentinel @steph93065 @LeahR77 @POTUS Your question isnโ€™t a simple one. That's not the job of @POTUS. We'd be better off posing that same question to the community that feels so brutalized, but that brutalizes its own members. Looting isnโ€™t working for the CHANGE or the respect black Americans want in the world. 2/
@nocloxt @SKYRIDER4538 @skaijackson @droq008 @GOPChairwoman @parscale @kayleighmcenany @DonaldJTrumpJr @KatTheHammer1 @LVNancy @SandraSentinel @steph93065 @LeahR77 @POTUS Obama never told the black community that change is first being responsible for yourself and your environment.

If he cared, he wouldโ€™ve explained how the police & the law work. He made community and LEO relations much worse. Dallas, July 2016, is one example. 3/
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