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Oct 17th 2022
This is the floor plan of a studio apartment, the entrance is at the bottom of the image and the only actual window is at the top. The unit is about 37sqm which is the absolute minimum that is legally permissible for this type of unit.
1/ Image
Let’s go through the plan, 1st stop the entrance area: Upon opening the door there’s a bit of wall to the right & a door to access the bathroom, there’s just about enough space between the door and what seems to be the wash / dry area to leave your shoes, wet coat? Good luck. 2/ Image
Walk into the bed space (not a bedroom as there’s no door separating you from the entrance nor the main living space). The space in front of your bed is basically a corridor with a wardrobe & utility (washer/dryer by your bed?) no space for much else. 3/ Image
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