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Jun 25th 2020

Why does every BMP report show a GFR - African American and GFR - non-African American for the same Cr value?

Let's focus on #racecorrection in the estimation of GFR as part of our ongoing series on racial bias in medicine.

This #tweetorial is based on the work of Dr. Vanessa Grubs (@thenephrologist), Dr. Darshali Vyas (@DarshaliVyas), Dr. Nwamaka Eneanya (@AmakaEMD), Dorothy Roberts (@DorothyERoberts), and so many more. We encourage you to delve into the literature at the bottom.

MDRD ( and CKD-EPI (, 2 equations commonly used to estimate kidney function, make sizable adjustments to the estimated GFR (eGFR) based on a binary input term: black or non-black race.
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