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Nov 5th 2021
Those of you following #SlugGate will know about "Community Chef" the direct competitor to iCook foods. Ian Cook claims he was run out of business by ppl linked to Community Chef.

Have a look at the diligence done before Vic DHHS took ownership of this "non profitable" company. Image
Community Chef was initially founded by Albo and our #DictatorDan as health minister. Along the way, councils took shareholder stakes in it, and then it was eventually sold back to Vic DHHS as a basket case, for $1 per share I believe. It was worthless, as it never made profit.
Or did it........cos someone who looked them over more thoroughly than Pitcher Partners saw they were making money on the front end via food sales, but in the back end, admin section, millions and millions were "lost."

And that's despite tens of millions of grants kicked in.
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