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Sep 24th 2021
10 deadly staking mistakes that you make when choosing a validator.

(That bleed away your staking rewards and destroy the ecosystem balance without you even noticing)

Long thread: 👇
Some of the mistakes in this thread:

Mistake #1: The "tunnel vision" syndrome trap
Mistake #2: The jungle ambush
Mistake #3: The fat demon with a small mouth
Mistake #4: The alligator trap
Mistake #9: The staking "fatal sin"
Mistake #10: Stake, restake and be alive
Deadly Mistake #1: The "tunnel vision" syndrome trap

Too many $LUNA'tics get bitterly surprised when things go south with their staking rewards.

Common questions are:

- Why am I not getting my airdrop?
- Why am I getting much less 💰 than normal?

The answer may surprise you:
Read 18 tweets

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