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Jun 10th 2021
1/ I'm delighted to be hosting an @interintellect_ Salon tomorrow with @bronwynwilliams and @TheAnnaGat on a fun, if slightly mind-bending topic--who are we and what is our purpose? But, don't worry, it'll be fun as we're using @RickandMorty and Jed McKenna and their interaction
2/ as well as a host of other thinkers and movies and TV shows that address this issue well.

This falls--I think incorrectly--under the category "spiritual seeker" and enlightenment, but I think it's better presented as "how can we ever know what's true?"
3/ Could be a short Salon or a long one, depending on who you're listening to--McKenna would say you can only prove ONE thing--that you exist and perceive the same.

On the other hand, Robert Willson would say:
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