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Apr 17th 2018

The day of spring rain, a crowd gathered at Sinchon for #WINNER, men we want to see every day


They became a trending group last yr w/ RR. They made their place in drama+variety too. W is back w/ EVERYDAY

I love that song!
They were having a fansign. Despite the bad weather, the mood was warm. For fans who waited in the rain, they gave boyfriend-like fanservice

Fan: Ur so cute!

We couldn’t tell if they were on a date or having a fansign

They’re rly close w/ their fans!

H: Thank u! Love u! Bye!
SBS prepared Korean beef for W

SH grilled the beef

Y: It tastes like happiness, hyung

M freestyle rap
Eating this beef makes me think of our song
Everyday, everyday, every every everyday

Y parodying CF
Even if u eat it every day, u wont get tired of it~ Everyday Korean beef
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