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Aug 8th 2021
1 The NDTV-Usmani episode is the best example of how the “Secularist”-Jihadist alliance works & is mutually beneficial.

First Jihadi plays victim, Then secularist plays victim, Then complies with Jihadist demands.

Both achieve their objectives:
2 NDTV gets lauded for “journalistic bravery” & gets the victimhood olympics gold for initially sticking to the post. Then when they remove it they get lauded for “sensitivity” to minority sentiments reinforcing their “secular credentials”. This is used as proof of impartiality
3 Usmani also gets exactly what he wants - noticed & quote tweeted by big shot news desk editors, recognition by SJWs, victimhood olympics gold, and lauded as the “voice of the subaltern muslim suppressed by mainstream media”. When NDTV deletes tweet he is lionised as a
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