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Feb 10th 2021
Time to smash out a ELI5 on how to use @CurveFinance as I’ve had a few people ask me.

Personally I find the whole thing confusing but I’ve figured it out without involving any dead hard sums, just some banging on a keyboard until I get the desire result >Lots of yummy $CRV
👇 obvs to get started. Curve home is access to the DeX. Here you’ll also see your weekly claim to $veCRV fees - Vote Locked $CRV. Will get into that later.

Keep scrolling anon
Down the page you can see all the pools & 24hr vols.

Here you view the apy’s available. Going to be focusing on $USDN pool for this example. The 2.24% is trading fees & the 54-136% is what’s available in $CRV depending on your boost from vote locking $CRV upto 2.5x
Read 12 tweets
Oct 22nd 2020

Yesterday there was a buyer of over 5000 BTC $50,000 calls expiring December 31, 2021.

Buyer paid from $1,100 up to $1,200 per call option.


Time for a thread 👇👇👇
BTC is currently trading ~ $13,000.

What are the actual chances BTC will close above $50,000 on December 31, 2021?

A professional trader or mathematician can tell you his model’s estimation of the probability that BTC will be above $50,000 on Dec 31, 2021.
We can also ask a slightly different question: What are the chances BTC even touches $50,000 any time before Dec 31, 2021?

The chances BTC touches $50,000 are a little better than actually closing above $50,000 on the exact expiration date.
Read 16 tweets

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