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Mar 19th 2021
In 1892, 17 year old Cork woman Annie Moore became the first person to pass inspection at Ellis island in New York. For so many Irish, New York was then - as it remains today - the gateway to America. It's home to our largest Consulate, @IrelandinNY. 1/5
.@maddenciaran1, like Annie Moore a proud Cork native, is our Consul General there. He leads an exceptional team who, in addition to that most Irish of cities, serve Connecticut, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, & West Virginia. 2/5
In a difficult year, the Irish community in New York showed indomitable spirit & solidarity - meitheal. The Consulate was proud to support the efforts of the #Slainté2020 partnership to provide assistance to those most in need through the first months of the pandemic. 3/5
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