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Aug 8th 2021
Many may not know me but I been here, digging observing growing my account and investing in $BZWR
I recently came across a conversation where the individual was referencing @BizWarriorLIFE annual reports and used it a an example of how badly they were losing money.
It does clearly show in 2020 and 2019 annual that $BZWR was losing money.. In fact its doesn't look good at all, in fact If thats all I saw, I would be bonkers for investing 1 dollar here. I'd totally off my rocker, but the 2021 version of @BizWarriorLIFE is not the same by far,
Late 2020 @RhettDoo and his team, began the real movement into the marketplace, then covid hit, crippling small businesses as @caroljsroth so emphatically and truthly points out. @BizWarriorLIFE shifted gears executing multiple PPP partnerships,
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