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Jun 24th 2022
🧵As a female legislator, I often have to mask my rage in order to be an effective leader. Today, that feels impossible.

I'm fucking furious, and it's ok to say that out loud.

Today, 6 justices took a fundamental human right away from 1/2 the population.

We should be pissed.
And in their gutting of Roe, Thomas laid out the path to target contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage.

We have a lot of work ahead of us, and it could get worse before it gets better.

But we have been preparing for thus, and we have a plan here in MN.
At a press conference today, I joined with fellow co-chairs @AthenaHollins and @Morrison4MN to announce the Reproductive Freedom Caucus has joined with the coalition at @UnRestrictMN to release Beyond Roe: The Post Roe Leadership Agenda
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