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Aug 7th 2022
@TalbertSwan @FrostyM3 @JoeDubyk We can take the megaphone away from,one of the loudest voices of white nationalist propaganda and hate rhetoric

Wont you pla join this fight💪

@TalbertSwan @FrostyM3 @JoeDubyk I understand your frustration but allowing GOP have any more control is extremely dangerous for all sane Americans.

I understand you want more change. So do I. I want American to become a far better version, become truly equal. It can never happen under Republican rule.
@TalbertSwan @FrostyM3 @JoeDubyk Under Democrat rule we still have to take an active role in forcing democracy to become a more perfect union

one way is to strip a megaphone from one of the loudest propagandists. Other ways ..
We have to understand and make it household knowledge

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