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Jun 1st 2021
1/As we close a 2nd abysmal school year, this comprehensive report explores challenges in ON schools.

Fundamentally, in high-epi context, more introductions into school
= increased risk of spread in school and into community without additional measures…
2/Testing + symptom screening act as red light
= prevent introductions
BUT an individual in school during their infectious period will still lead to cohort dismissal

👆🏾 why #COVIDZero in community + health/safety measures in school needed for stable in-person instruction
3/QC kept schools open + shut down gatherings elsewhere for months; still saw cohort dismissals in high-epi settings ~GTA

Screening is a vertical strategy that seeks out 1 specific pestilence. It's hard to find cases that cannot afford to be found.

BUT horizontal measures, like
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