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Mar 26th 2019
@021foundation Thank you. They are quite similar but very different particularly as it concerns Format and Mode. JOBS are official engagements around specific tasks while WORK is the Art of problem solving with or without an official engagement.

#ZOFTweetChat #AskEmdee
@021foundation 2. Most people get trapped by endlessly searching for a "Job" instead of finding Work.

3. There may be scarcity of Jobs, but there will never be a time where there is no work. There will always be more work (opportunities to solve problems) in the universe than humans can take
@021foundation 4. Unfortunately, when people find the "Job" they have been searching 🔎 for, they usually can't deliver on the WORK associated to it.

5. Only people who do WORK are truly employed, the rest are bench-warmers who just carry the "Employed" tag as a status symbol #ZOFTweetChat
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