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Heres a《thread》on #MumbaiTerrorAttack. If you're looking for official version read Wikipedia. This is an indepth analysis of #MumbaiAttack based on intel reports & ignored facts reported by various media. More detailed explanation can be found in our journal or on our website.
1 David Headley is known to be mastermind of #MumbaiAttack, yet GoI pardoned him & is now in US, why? Headley was a US Drug Enforcement Agency agent working closely with FBI. Why Indian agencies never followed these leads? Inspite of prior intelligence why FBI/NSA/CIA didnt act? Image
2 Director of National Intelligence James Clapper found that since 2001 US had precise intel on Headley yet they didnt act. Headley was involved not just in #MumbaiAttack but #SamjhautaExpressBlast as well. This intel was provided by one of his ex-wives.…
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