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Jun 19th 2021
Inspired by the recent posts of @FHF_Official, a thread (with video links) on some of the early sci-fi and fantasy/adventure Indian films..
Captain Anand and his assistant set out on a journey to the moon. However, when they reach there, its inhabitants capture and arrest them.

#TripToMoon / #ChandParChadayee (1967) by #TPSundaram, ft. #DaraSingh #AnwarHussain #Bhagwan #PadmaKhanna.

Mr.Superman lives a dual life, uses his superpowers to assist the police, but becomes a suspect himself when impostors implicate him in a crime wave.

#ReturnOfMrSuperman (1960) by #ManmohanSabir, ft. #PaidiJairaj
#SheilaRamani #Shammi #Helen
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